The Ministry of National Security (MNS) of Azerbaijan detained a group of people suspected of involvement in the creation and participation in the illegal militia, and supplying them with arms and ammunition, reads the report of the Center for Public Affairs of the MNS.
In fact, the Investigation Department of Ministry of National Security prosecuted under Art. 12.1, 279.1 (creation is not provided by the law of armed groups outside of Azerbaijan) and 28 283-1.3 and 283.1.3 of the Criminal Code (involvement in armed conflict outside of Azerbaijan.)
The report gives the names of the detainees: Mustafayev Elkhan, Rasulov Bakhruz, Kamran Azizov, Alihanov Nadir, Shahbazi Bakhtiar, Shahbazi Bakhruz, Muhammedzade Sadiq, Rahim Hajiyev, Sultani Vidadi and Aslanov Ramil. They are brought to justice as the accused and arrested. The investigation established that Elkhan Mustafayev, Bahruz Rasulov, Kamran Azizov, Nadir Alihanov, Shahbazi Bakhtiar, and his son Bakhruz Shahbazi (born 1985), as well as Sadiq Muhammedzade, Vidadi Sultani and Ramil Aslanov in 2014 illegally crossed into Syria , and had radical religious and military training there. They then took part in the fighting as part of the illegal militia in Syria.
Investigative and operational measures to investigate all details of criminal cases, as well as to establishing the identity of other participants in these illegal actions is ongoing, the report said.
In accordance with unofficial data, in Syria and Iraq are fighting several hundred citizens of Azerbaijanis. They are part of the combat units LIH (Islamic state) and the government forces of Syria and Iraq.
Also, according to unofficial data, up to 100 Azerbaijanis died in these countries. -16D-
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