Natig Jafarli Takes the Helm of the REAL Party and Charts a Strategic Path Forward

Natig Jafarli Takes the Helm of the REAL Party and Charts a Strategic Path Forward

Natig Jafarli, a renowned Azerbaijani economist, was elected chairman of the REAL (Real Alternative) party by its political committee, marking a new direction for the beleaguered political group. In his statement on social media, Jafarli outlined the party’s strategic priorities and the formidable obstacles it faces in Azerbaijan’s current political arena.

Jafarli, respected for his economic acumen and public engagement, emphasized that REAL’s primary objective under his leadership will be the activation and empowerment of Azerbaijan’s civil society. “Our mission is to actively seek solutions to the country’s problems, not just catalog them,” he declared. This pragmatic approach underscores his commitment to transforming political discourse into actionable strategies.

The newly appointed chairman highlighted the party’s strength in its diverse and experienced membership. “REAL is a resource that unites individuals with high levels of knowledge, intelligence, and a passion for collective decision-making,” Jafarli noted. He affirmed his dedication to implementing the strategic decisions made by the party’s Political Committee, ensuring consistency and coherence in their initiatives.

However, Jafarli did not shy away from addressing the significant challenges facing REAL. He identified three critical issues: the potential erosion of political institutions in Azerbaijan, declining public trust in electoral processes, and limited civic engagement. “Azerbaijan is at a crossroads where the integrity of our political institutions is under threat, public faith in elections is waning, and civic participation remains weak,” Jafarli warned. These problems, he argued, require a more effective tactical and strategic response from the party.

The leadership change comes after REAL’s disappointing performance in the September 2024 elections. The party, which had hoped to increase its representation in the Milli Majlis, secured only one seat, previously held by a former representative. This electoral outcome led to the resignation of Ilgar Mammadov, the first chairman and founder of the REAL party. Mammadov, a former political prisoner, stepped down in accordance with his promise to retire from politics if the party did not achieve electoral success.

Analysts note that Jafarli’s economic background may offer a fresh perspective to REAL’s policy formulation, potentially appealing to a broader electorate disillusioned with traditional political rhetoric. “Jafarli brings a level of expertise and a results-oriented mindset that could revitalize REAL’s approach to governance and policy,” observes Toghrul Juvarly, an analyst based in Baku.

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