Baku / 26.01.18 / Turan: Worldwide, on the same day on January 25, 2018, the French Institute organized an event called "Nuitdes Idées." "Power to the imagination" - the so-called debates, during which intellectuals, researchers, artists and decision makers discussed the topic of urban architecture. In Baku this event was organized with the support of the French Embassy in the center of contemporary art YARAT. Over the past 10 years Baku has become a place of major investments and changes, which significantly changed the architectural appearance of the city. During the "Night of Ideas", its participants expressed their vision on the tasks and prospects created by the population growth and expansion of the city. This event provided an opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions about the present and future of the city and the ability of society to turn the city into a space where favorable conditions were created for both people and the environment.
Whether you are artists, architects, urban planners, students, or a curious citizen, join us to discuss the place and role to be given to the imagination in the transformation of the city of Baku and in the preservation of its rich historical heritage. The discussion will be held in Azerbaijanis and Russian, with simultaneous French translation. Moderator: Johan Schitterer, Cultural Counselor of the French Embassy Speakers: Jean-Pierre Buffi: French architect, founder and director of the architectural and urbanism agency Buffi Associés Andrea DE FRANCIS: French architect Eltchin Aliyev: architect, Chairman of Baku Architectural Club, in charge of the restoration of Baku city center an artist Sabina Shikhlinskaya and architect Muslim Imranli.
The general opinion of the speakers was the need for careful treatment of historical traditions, taking into account natural and climatic features. Compliance with norms and standards of urban development, without sacrificing them for the sake of business interests. -02D-
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