On February 29, the air temperature in Baku will drop to 3 degrees below zero

On February 29, the air temperature in Baku will drop to 3 degrees below zero

On Thursday, February 29, partly cloudy weather is expected in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula, sometimes cloudy. In the afternoon, a short-term slight drizzle is possible in some suburban areas, and a northeast wind will blow. The air temperature at night will range from -3° to +2°, during the day +5 + 8°, according to the National Hydrometeorological Service.

There will be mostly no precipitation in the regions of Azerbaijan, fog is expected at times, and a northeast wind will blow. The air temperature is 0-5° at night, +5 +10° during the day.

-5 -10° is expected in the mountains at night, -12 -16° in the highlands. In the afternoon, 0-5°. Ice is possible on the roads of some mountainous areas at night and in the morning.

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