On Wednesday, the air temperature in Azerbaijan will warm up to +18°

On Wednesday, the air temperature in Azerbaijan will warm up to +18°

On Sunday, February 7, partly cloudy weather is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula, sometimes cloudy, mostly without precipitation. According to the National Hydrometeorology Service, short-term precipitation is possible in the vicinity of Baku at night. A moderate southwesterly wind will blow. The air temperature at night will be +3-+6 °, during the day - +12-+16 °.

No precipitation is expected in the regions of Azerbaijan. Precipitation will occur intermittently at night and in the morning in a number of northern and western regions, snow in mountainous areas, and fog is not excluded. The increasing westerly wind will prevail at times. The air temperature at night will be 0-+5°, during the day - +13-+18 °, in the mountains at night -2-7°, during the day from -1 ° to +4 °.

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