Police Interested in Khadija Ismayilova's Relatives

Baku / 04.10.17 / Turan: The investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova was summoned to the 5th branch of the Binagadi district police department on October 3.

As the journalist told Turan, upon arrival, she was first told she had been called to the police as she "joined rallies". Then she was told the challenge was connected with the supervision of the execution of her suspended sentence.

The journalist was asked where she lives. She replied she lives with her brother, where she is registered, and sometimes she stays with her mother.

"They told me they have been monitoring my address for a month already, and they do not think I visit the place. I told them they do not keep track, and I stay there," Ismayilova continued.

Then she was asked to provide information about her relatives - grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters and others. This was explained by the police as "preventive information collection".

"I told them that I can give information only about people in the place of residence. Providing information about other relatives is not ethical. They insisted on their own. I'm on my own. In the end, I wrote that my memory is broken, I do not remember my relatives," Ismayilova said sarcastically.

She was asked where she was funded from. "I answered I was funded at the expense of the UNESCO Prize," Ismayilova noted with sarcasm.

The expert in the field of law, lawyer Javad Javadov pointed out the illegality of police actions. "This illegal call to the police should be reported to the court. Supervision over the serving of conditional punishment is carried out not by the police, but by the court executors. This is spelled out by a court decision," Javadov wrote on his Facebook page.

* Ismayilova was arrested in December 2014. In September 2015, the court sentenced the journalist to 7.5 years imprisonment on economic charges. Ismayilova did not admit the blame. International organizations have recognized her as a political prisoner. In May 2016, the Supreme Court replaced the real term by 3.5 years conditional with a probation period of five years. After that, she repeatedly appealed to the courts for temporary departure from the country in connection with her professional activities, but she received refusals. -03B06--

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