Press Review 04/21/2017

The growth of exports, financial problems of citizens, the discontent of the oligarchs with reforms, and the question of declarations of officials are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the growth of the country's exports; today 2,921 kinds of goods are exported to 116 countries. During the first three months of this year, trade increased by 15%, and exports of agricultural products - by 44%. In total, Azerbaijan has trade relations with 186 countries.

Echo writes about the reduction of expenses by the population, which is not in a position to save money and spends practically all earnings on the most necessary things.

If before the devaluation, citizens with average earnings could manage to save some money, today it is impossible.

With an average salary of 500 manat, about 80% of this amount is spent on food and basic necessities. The remaining 20% ​are spent on transport and utilities. This is a very worrying indicator, since, the higher the expenditure on food, the more difficult the economic situation in the country.

The website writes about the dissatisfaction of monopolists with the implementation of reforms. The oligarchs are not happy with the need for reforms, while these forces are inside the ruling circles and inhibit the process.

Novoye Vremya has published a material that the MPs will be forbidden to accept gifts to influence the impartial performance of their official duties. This is reflected in the bill “On the rules of ethical conduct of the Member of Milli Majlis.”

This rule does not apply to gifts, the cost of which does not exceed 55 manat. This is the amount stipulated in the law “On Combating Corruption.”

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