Press Review 27/12/2016

The ideology of Azerbaijanism, the level of the middle class in the country, the legal problems of entrepreneurs, and reducing internal and external investments are the leading topics of today's press.

The newspaper Azerbaijan writes about the idea of ​​Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis. The article was published on the eve of the Day of Solidarity on 31 December. The author emphasizes the merits of Presidents Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev on this issue, and also mentions the Congress of World Azerbaijanis.

The website discusses the middle class problem, denying the idea of the authorities that the middle class in the country is strengthened. The head of the Financial Market Supervision House says that the middle class is 29% of the population, whereas in Europe and America, this class is 33% and 38%. The author wonders in which category we should include the rest of the population in this case.

Echo has published an article entitled Our Businessmen, Not Having Studied Market, Manufacture Products, and Then Ask Government to Help with Their Sale. The author argues that Azerbaijan needs a business ombudsman. After all, such a structure exists to solve business problems in many countries of the world.

Novoye Vremya has published an article about the decline of investments, both foreign and domestic. Compared to last year there is a reduction in investment, the volume of which fell by 86.3%. -0-

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