Press Review for 16-17.12.12


Official newspapers write about the trip of President Ilham Aliyev to Fizuli.


Azadlig writes that the expulsion of the ex-deputy Gular Akhmedova from the ruling party is preparing for her arrest.

Nasimi District Police detained Ulvi Mehdi - son of renowned actress Shafiga Mammadova for participation of the campaign Art for Democracy.


MP Yevda Abramov said that imprisonment of participants in the Guba riots for 5-6 years is a serious punishment.

The newspaper publishes materials in support of a single candidate from the opposition - PFPA leader Ali Kerimli in the upcoming presidential election.


Yeni Musavat


After the Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Melia took part in the event of the campaign Art for Democracy, he lost documents. This may cause a row between Baku and Washington.


The budget of the Presidential Administration is 8 times the budget of the Cabinet and 3.3 times the budget of the parliament.

The country spends 9,125 manats per scientist a year, and an employee of the President's Office is spent 124,000 manats.

Supporters of the Musavat leader Isa Gambar said that if he does not become a single candidate from the opposition, no one else will be selected.


A functionary of the party Musavat Arif Hajili said that the State Department closed the office dealing with the Karabakh issue. He called it a failed policy of the Azerbaijani authorities.


Baki Khabar

Increasing militarization of Azerbaijan is regarded as the inability of peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict.


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