Radical group threatens Azerbaijani Shiites

In social networks on behalf of some radical religious group "Proponents takfir" (considering themselves true Muslims and all the other Muslims - infidels) circulate calls for anti-mazhabs (religious teachings).

A user of Facebook under the nickname Enekin Skayvoker in the profile "Iranian Republic of Satan" calls for armed struggle against the Azerbaijani Shiites.

In particular, he called for violence against the well-known religious figure, head of the community of the Baku mosque Meshadi Dadash Shaheen Gasanli.

The same user wrote that his calls for brothers in religion encountered obstacles, so he decided to operate under a nickname.

On his page, he also published a photo of a Farman Cetin with a knife in his hand, and his spiritual leader Mirzahmed Al Gusari.

Under the photo there are records of threats against the Azerbaijani Shiites, in particular, the preparation of reports on the killing of Shaheen Gasanli.

According to the same resource, Amir Farman Cetin is currently hiding in the woods in the Gusar area in the north of Azerbaijan. Allegedly, he established a base surrounded by mines. Cetin is waiting for victory in Syria over the Shiites and has threatened that Syrian events will repeat in Azerbaijan.

The status has been welcomed by numerous signs of Like.

Recall that recently an armed group of three was destroyed in the Gusar forests. However, the law enforcement authorities have not confirmed if they belonged to religious radicals.

The head of the Salafi mosque community, Abubakr (closed after the attack in August 2008) Gamet Suleymanov believes the real threat of terrorism on religious grounds.

Suleymanov said that he himself is a potential target of these groups. According to him, it is because of the criticism of these groups as denigrating Islam he was the target of an armed attack in the mosque in August 2008.

"These radical groups consider all other Muslims infidels and their blood is considered legitimate as well as the destruction of their property," he said.

Suleymanov does not know to which countries this group is related.

Another religious figure Shaheen Gasanli believes that the threats against him are related to attempts to stir up animosity between the various Islamic currents. "These splitters are against the unity of Muslims," he said.

As for the death threats, Gasanli attaches no importance to it.

"Life is presented by God, so no one can take it away," said Gasanli. -06D-


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