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Baku/21.06.23/Turan: On Thursday, June 22, partly cloudy weather is expected in Baku and Absheron, cloudy at times, mostly without precipitation, a moderate north-westerly wind will blow.
Air temperature will be +17 +21 ° at night, +24 +28 ° during the day, the National Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Ecology reported.
As for the regions of the country, rains are expected in some places. In some areas, precipitation will be torrential in nature, thunderstorms are expected, there is probability of hail; increasing east wind will blow at times.
Air temperature will be +15 +20° at night, +25 +30° during the day. +7 +12° is expected in the mountains at night, +13 +18° in the afternoon. -05B-
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