Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Açıq mənbələrdən foto

Contrary to the principle of the deceased, either good or nothing, it is not possible to write about Azerbaijani schools and the education system as a whole. Yes, we were not mistaken. Local schools and universities can safely be called deceased - endless fees, often unqualified teachers, textbooks with errors do not stimulate the work of educational institutions that have lost their main function - to teach and educate.

You cannot argue with the facts - for over a year now more than half of the entrants cannot score the minimum passing grade for admission to the university. The figures are simply horrifying. Last year the Ministry of Education of the country published shocking statistics - almost 33000 entrants could not score the minimum passing ball - 200, and 17000 yesterday's graduates scored from 0 to 99 points. How can one not remember the famous expression of Winston Churchill "school, has nothing to do with education."

As a way out of the current situation, it was suggested even to open public paid preparatory courses for entrants. I wonder why then it was necessary to introduce an evaluation system of teachers, every possible curriculum, if the teachers do not cope with their duties and the students still need to send to tutors in addition to the basic classes and pay a considerable amount for this.

The most interesting thing is that usually the teachers that in their basic working hours could not teach the students, often become tutors. Hence the result - tens of thousands of graduates do not even have elementary knowledge. Regular entrance examinations will take place soon, some dates have already been announced, but now we can confidently say that the situation has not changed, and the lack of knowledge of the students will give the corresponding result.

However, it turned out that the illiteracy and ignorance of students is not the worst scourge of modern schools. The criminal reports recently write about rapes in schools and blackmail teachers. The scandal over the intimate communication of students within the walls of one of the prestigious Baku schools did not have time to abate, as a new one flared up - this time in the southern region. There, a mathematics teacher systematically raped a school cleaner, blackmailing her video, and when a woman found the strength and refused a maniac, he distributed the video.

A lawsuit has been filed against the shameless "teacher", but, probably, the parents of children who taught him mathematics, do not feel easier. How can they now send their children to school with a calm heart? The case is single, and this can be everywhere, you will say. But no. Following the region, the "sexual revolution of teachers" spread to the capital. Recently, "for violation of the rules of pedagogical ethics, poor performance of their duties," the director and two teachers of secondary school No. 281 of Baku city were dismissed from their jobs.

According to the press, this time the victim was a mathematics teacher who was blackmailed by her colleague with her lover (a former pupil of the same school), extorting a certain amount of money.

The last straw was the news about the rape of a seven-year-old boy in a school toilet in one of the Baku schools. Parents of the pupils of the school went to protest, demanding to investigate the case and punish the guilty, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the same day denied the information, telling the public that the news was not confirmed.

The school principal and aunt, who brought up the first-grader, also zealously claimed that there was no such incident, although the parents of the pupils of the school stood by their own and claimed that the money helped to hush up the issue. By the way, the aforementioned director did not fail to note that surveillance cameras will be installed in school toilets. The question is, why, if there was no incident?

We do not like to speak about the details of such acts, and dig into the dirty underwear of people, and we would never touch upon this topic, if all this did not happen in schools, and criminals were not teachers. How and whom should we trust our children, when before our eyes the center of knowledge turns into a hotbed of debauchery? Two of the eternal questions "what to do? and who is to blame?" touch on school morality. The unshakable authority of the teacher, shaken after the first bribes, now stands on the verge of the abyss. And the Ministry of Education is obliged to find a way out of a very difficult situation.

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