Bakının Qurban bayramı öncəsi ovqatı (Arxiv/2020)

Bakının Qurban bayramı öncəsi ovqatı (Arxiv/2020)

With only one day remaining until Eid al-Adha, preparations are underway in Azerbaijan for the official celebration on June 28 and 29. Sellers in Baku have reported varying prices for sheep and lambs based on weight. The live weight cost ranges from 7.5 to 8.5 Manats per kilogram, while chopped meat prices are between 16 and 19 Manats per kilogram. Last year, the average price of 1 kilogram of lamb in live weight was 6.5 Manats, with meat priced at 14 to 15 Manats per kilogram.

Sellers have noticed price increases coupled with a decrease in buyers. One seller, Nazim Ahmadov,  shared with RadioAzadlig that while he had 50 clients during the pre-holiday period last year, this year the number has dropped to 15. The Ministry of Agriculture stated that they will not bring animals for sale to the market this year and emphasized that they do not regulate prices, as market prices are determined by supply and demand dynamics.

Agriculture expert Vahid Maharramov stressed the critical state of meat production in Azerbaijan in an interview with Radio Azadlig, noting that the country lags behind other countries of the post-Soviet region. Azerbaijan produces less meat than the population requires, with an annual average of 34 kilograms per person compared to the recommended norm of 78 kilograms. Last year, 175,000 heads of small livestock were imported due to insufficient feed production caused by a shortage of cattle fields. Consequently, farmers were compelled to slaughter their animals, leading to a decrease in the overall livestock population.

Maharramov also pointed out that there is a large number of entrepreneurs involved in pre-holiday meat cutting and sales. However, these entrepreneurs face low incomes as the purchasing power of the population has declined. Consequently, they attempt to raise prices ahead of the holiday to profit from the situation.

Since gaining independence in 1991, Azerbaijan has officially celebrated Eid al-Adha, joining many countries around the world. It is customary and traditional to distribute a portion of the slaughtered animals' meat to poor and disadvantaged families.

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