Spouse of the  Editor: My husband  has been arrested for corruption materials

Baku / 18.06.19 / Turan: The arrest of the editor of the websites "Xeberman.com" and "press-az.com" Polad Aslanov is connected with his journalistic publications, said in an interview with Turan the wife of Gulmir Aslanov, the editor accused of treason.

"Polad wrote how State Security Service officials extorted bribes from the leaders of travel companies that send pilgrims to holy places in Mashhad and Karbala. We believe that his arrest is associated with these publications, "said Aslanova. According to Aslanova, her husband wrote a lot about corruption, bribery, monopolies and other negative facts.

As for the charges of treason, they are unsubstantiated and contrived, she said. The spouse reported that the lawyer visited her husband on June 14.

"They were not allowed to talk face to face. There was another person sitting there. My husband"s psychological condition is very bad. There is a great psychological pressure on him, "noted Aslanova.

She said that on June 14 at the trial, Aslanov denied the accusation, saying that he was being persecuted for his journalistic activities.

After the first critical materials, her husband was drafted into the army in April 2018 at the age of 29, although he had previously been declared unfit for service. From the army he returned in April of this year.

Until 2017, he did not have a passport. After that, he made pilgrimages to Iran and Iraq twice and once visited Georgia.

On the day of detention, June 12, they went to the wedding in Nakhchivan with their whole family. They were detained at the Bilasuvar border checkpoint.

On the detention of Aslanov on June 13, the State Security Service of Azerbaijan reported. According to this agency, Aslanov, on the instructions of foreign intelligence agencies, collected and passed on information to them, detrimental to the state security and defense capability of Azerbaijan.

He is prosecuted under the Article 274 (state change) of the Criminal Code. On June 14, the court chose a measure of restraint in the form of arrest for a period of 4 months. -06D--

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