Baku/09.23.19/Turan: Asabali Mustafayev"s lawyer filed a lawsuit against the plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan to the European Court of Human Rights Chingiz Askerov. However, the court refused to accept the complaint.
The complaint is related to the fact that the compensations appointed by the ECHR are not paid to the applicants, and the payments established by the ECHR to the lawyer are not issued.
"I filed an information request about the expenditure of funds allocated from the state budget for the payment of compensations, but did not receive a response. I sued for violation of the law, but the court did not accept the lawsuit," Mustafayev said.
Mustafayev intends to file an appeal and cassation appeal, and in the absence of results, he will appeal to the ECHR. The lawyer did not rule out that his activities could be suspended.
"According to changes in the law, payments to a lawyer can be made only through banks. My bank accounts are blocked by the prosecutor. If funds go there, then I can"t withdraw them," said the lawyer.
Askerov, the plenipotentiary representative of Azerbaijan to the ECHR, was not available for comment. -06D-
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