Agil Humbatov
Baku/15.09.23/Turan: The wife of Agyl Humbatov, an activist of the Popular Front Party convicted in 2021, is holding protests in front of government buildings, demanding that she receive a poverty allowance in connection with three young children in her care. One child suffers from autism, for which Humbatova receives an allowance of 272 manats. This amount is the only means of survival of four family members.
Humbatova turned to Turan for help and asked to find out why she was deprived of targeted social assistance after four months of payments. After that, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population canceled assistance to Humbatova.
At the request of Turan, the press service of the Ministry reported on an inspection that showed that the Humbatov family owns a motorcycle (belongs to the convicted Agyl Humbatov).
According to the law on State targeted social assistance, a family owning a vehicle cannot qualify for targeted social assistance. "This circumstance is also indicated in the Rules for the Issuance and Refusal of State Targeted Social Assistance, paragraph 3,7.4.
For this reason, Aigyun Humbatova was refused on May 4, 2023," the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population reported.
Commenting on the situation, human rights activist Tazahan Miralamli called the Ministry's statement incorrect, because Agyl Humbatov cannot use a motorcycle, as he is in prison, and his wife is forced to look after three children, one of whom is mentally retarded.
According to the law "On State Targeted Social Assistance", if one family member has less than 300 manats, the state must pay them an allowance.
Now the family receives an allowance of 272 manats and this amount is four times less than the minimum amount (1200 manats) that a family of 4 people should have monthly. However, because of the useless motorcycle, the family is deprived of state support," Miralamli said. ---0---
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