There is no alternative opinion on the TV channels of Azerbaijan

The Institute of Democratic Initiative (IDI) published the results of the monitoring of the media in the run-up to parliamentary elections in November 1st.Studies show that the information needs of the population are satisfied by 92-95% by the electronic media, especially television.

The degree of objectivity, impartiality, respect for laws and broadcast standards plays an important role. However, the broadcasting regulatory framework - NBC, and partly the CEC, often "do not notice" violation of the law, and punish those responsible. Over the past five years, the state has allocated for the media sector $417.5 million, and the main beneficiary AZTV, received $223 million.ITV received

$96.5% million.

Private television channels under various pretexts received $22 million. The allocation of the amount of aid  provides  the necessity of  civilian control over the use of these funds.The purpose of monitoring was to identify and present to the public as electronic media impartiality and objectivity and respect the norms and standards. Monitoring also involves the study of the compliance functions of media education, information and propaganda since the start of the election campaign, nomination of candidates, collection of signatures, registration, create a fair atmosphere. The first report covers the period from 1 to 30 September. The monitoring covered four TV channels: AZTV, ITV, ANS and ATV and transmission from 19.00: 23.00, as well as traditional and on-line media representing different political spectrum - the power, opposition and independent.

In particular, the AzerTaj state agency monitored the newspaper Azerbaijan, the opposition newspaper "Azadlig", as well as sites "" and "" and the newspaper "Yeni Musavat". On TV channels  were monitored the amount of outreach and awareness-raising programs, as well as information in support of the authorities, against the powers, in favor of the opposition and against the opposition.

A similar approach was with respect to the online media and newspapers. From the 480 hours of broadcast in prime time during the programs related to the elections and could affect voters, totaled  37 hours 53 minutes, or 7.93% of the ether. At the same time, 35 hours were devoted to information for the benefit of the authorities, and in favor of the opposition did not have a single second.

Against the opposition were six minutes and two seconds (0.26%).

Monitoring revealed  the lack of political diversity on TV channels. Monitoring of print and online media was held on the same criteria and covered 512 publications. Of the total weight of materials, 53% (151) were in favor of the government, 22% (63) - against.

Impartial publication were only 6% (18). In favor of the opposition were 13% (45 data), against the opposition - 2% (4 information). At the same time 100% of the materials of the agency were in favor of the government.

34% of the materials of "Yeni Musavat", which is considered an opposition newspaper, was in favor of the authorities, and 7% against them; 17% - in favor of the opposition and 3% against it. Another 9% of the materials of the newspaper were balanced. In general, monitoring revealed the absence of political pluralism and alternative opinions in the media, financed by the state. Institute for Democratic Initiatives was established in 2013 a group of independent lawyers. It is headed by the CEC member Akif Gurbanov. The Ministry of Justice refused to register it NGO.-06D-

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