Unattended suicides

According to the World Health Organization, every 40 seconds there is suicidesomewhere in the world. As for Azerbaijan, last year in the country 797 people committed suicide. This is by 262 cases more than in 2015, and by 659 more than in 2008. Such unpleasant statistics was published by the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan.

Among the leading countries in terms of the number of suicides there are both prosperous countries and those that are lagging behind onthe level of development. Why do people commit suicide, and why the number of suicides in Azerbaijan grows exponentially from year to year?

"The reason for the growth of suicides is the social tension that arises from financial problems," said psychologist Vafa Akbar. Many people have lost job, some are not happy with wages, and all this is an obstacle to the dream of well-being. The means to achieve the goal is often money, and when people cannot get them, they begin to feel in a desperate situation. Sometimes the depressive state lasts a long time and ends with suicide, sometimes suicide occurs spontaneously, in a state of affect. Social tensions are growing, because the problems in the family are spreading to children, they are propagating them in school, and so this tension spreads to everyone. Almost all people are in tension: children, teenagers, youth and mature people. Previously, people could share their problems with family and friends, and they in turn supported them, gave hope. Now everyone is for himself. Because everyone has own problems and help from others is difficult, both morally and financially. Of course, it will be better if people in such cases appeal to a specialist," said V.Akbar.

"Despite the increase in suicides in recent years, we are still at the last places in world statistics. Because in the southern and eastern countries the number of suicides is always lower than in the northern and western,"psychologist Azad Isazadeh told Turan.

"The social factor does not always matter. The most common suicide bombers are Norway, Sweden, Germany. Today, the problem in Azerbaijan is somewhat different: we do not have objective statistics. We receive information about suicides only from the media. That is, we refer only to those figures that leaked to the press. Actually, I think the situation is different. Today, only the police are engaged in suicide, and only from a legal point of view, it investigates the reasons. We do not have real suicide statistics, no one studies theage, gender, or regional groups. I think that in rural areas suicides are not fixed at all, they hide, as it is considered shameful for us. Moreover, not all suicides end in death.

Unrealized suicides, as a rule, are written off for accidents, poisonings, since relatives do not want to be publicized. If you take into account these figures, the suicide rates will be much greater. In addition, there are cases of imitation of suicide. They are of two kinds: murder under the guise of suicide and demonstration, the threat of suicide. The threat can sometimes be death by chance. That is, there are many options, but they are not investigated. The problem is that no government agency has committed suicides. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity. Once the prosecutor's office stated that all suicides are mentally ill people. Although world statistics show that only 15% of the total number of suicides are mentally ill, the rest - with some kind of nervous, psychological problems. In Azerbaijan, there is no center that would first examine the problem from a scientific point of view and based on the results made recommendations separately for the Ministry of Education and Youth and Sports on adolescent groups, separately for the Committee on Children, Women and the Family, separately for the Ministry of Emergencies and Police. There is a growth of suicides, which means that it is necessary to carry out preventive measures,"A.Izazade stressed. -0--

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