Weather for next 24 hours

Weather for next 24 hours

On 15 January there will be variable weather without precipitation in Baku and Absheron. Light precipitation is expected during the night. Wind will be south, moderate. Air temperature will drop to -4 of frost at night, while during the day it will be +2+5 of heat.

Precipitation in the form of snow is also expected at night in parts of the country. Winds will be westerly, moderate. In the lowlands, it will be -2-7 of frost at night and +1+6 of heat during the day. In the mountains, frost will be -13-18 of frost at night and -3-8 of frost during the day.

On Tuesday, weather conditions in Baku will not change. Air temperature will rise to +5+10 of heat during the day.

In the regions of the country -3-8 of frost at night, +5+10 of heat during the day. In the mountains - 10-15 of frost at night, 0-5 of frost during the day. There is ice on the roads.

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