Windy, rainy weather is expected on Sunday

Windy, rainy weather is expected on Sunday

On Sunday, May 25, partly cloudy weather is expected in Baku and on the Absheron Peninsula, sometimes cloudy. In the morning and evening, it will rain at times, there is a chance of thunderstorms closer to night, and a moderate north wind will blow. The air temperature at night will be +12 +16°, during the day +19 +24°, according to the National Hydrometeorology Service.

Rains are sometimes expected in the regions of the country, in some areas precipitation will be torrential, there is a chance of hail, and snow in the highlands. By evening, precipitation will gradually stop. Fog is expected at times in some places, and the easterly wind will sometimes intensify at night and in the morning in some places. The air temperature at night will be +11 +16°, during the day +20 +25°. +3 +8° is expected in the mountains at night, +8 +13° in the daytime.

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