On Sunday, 3 November in Baku and Apsheron peninsula variable cloudiness is expected, mostly without precipitation. Fog is expected in places at night and in the morning, strengthening south-west wind will be replaced by strong north-west wind in the second half of the day.
Air temperature will be +11+14° at night and +16+20° in the afternoon, the National Hydrometeorological Service reports.
In the regions of Azerbaijan it is also expected mainly without precipitation.
However, in the second half of the day, starting from the northern and western regions, thunderstorms, precipitation, hail, snow are expected in places, in mountainous and foothill regions. Moderate western wind will increase in gusts.
Air temperature will be +5+10° at night, +20+25° warm in the daytime, +1+6° at night and +10+15° in the mountains.
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