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© коллаж ИноСМИ

Did the 102-year ago scene repeat? Before asking this question, it is necessary to look at the ideological side of the issue. Therefore, it would be more logical to start 6 days earlier, not 1 month.

Yes, we are talking about the diplomatic relations between the United Arab Emirates and Israel, which could not be a clearer expression of the ideological semantics of the attack 102 years later.

As 102 years ago, 1 month ago, the Arabs gave that reason to the Turks. Thanks to Alibey Huzeynzadeh and Ahmad Agaoglu, who provided ideological advice to the palace and directly to Anvar Pasha by writing "Conquest of Turkish lands" in the Istanbul press at that time, the government of the Union and Progress adopted the philosophy of "Let's go to our family home instead of seeking happiness in the deserts of Arabia", and Nuri Pasha's Caucasus Islamic Army was created on that philosophical basis. Is there a need to write down the next processes?

For the first time since 1991, the Republic of Turkey came so close to the practical implementation of the philosophy of 102 years ago. The ideology of "seeking happiness in the deserts of Arabia" has been a political philosophy that Mr. Erdoğan has admired since his early youth, and the AKP, of which he is the leader, since 2008.

For this purpose, steps were taken against the principles of the Turkish Republic, a battalion of the Turkish army was marched under the flag of Saudi Arabia, and Mr. Erdoğan’s closest adviser was forced to resign after saying "the new state will be called Asrika (Arab-African Union) and its capital will be Istanbul." Relations with Cairo were marked by a red line after the military coup overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood.

Turkey's full control of the 911-kilometer Syrian border has led to the consolidation of Arab countries against Ankara. The intervention in Libya brought the hostility of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates against Turkey to a practical level.

After Russia's killing of 57 Turkish soldiers in Idlib on February 27, the alliance against Ankara expanded: while only Qatar stood with Turkey, Russia has not only invisibly reached a military rapprochement with the Saudi Arabia-UAE front but has pushed Egypt to the front, as it did during the reign of Jamal Abdul Nasir.

Perhaps, not only Ankara unexpectedly confronted France in Libya and the Eastern Mediterranean but also the July 12 attack on Azerbaijan by Armenia, a slave of both Moscow and Paris, naturally and inevitably turned Ankara's attention to Azerbaijan.

This time it was not a question of a single sea (the Mediterranean) and the strengthening of its position on the shores of that sea, but of standing in front of a different ideological-political-military alliance between the two seas. Such that Russia has been trying to revive the Byzantine Empire, both ethnically and religiously, for some time, and this is one of the goals of the annexation of Crimea.

The plan, which aims to extend ethnically from Russia to Serbia, includes Armenia and Georgia within its religious borders. The frequently disturbing Azerbaijan through the church in Zagatala, the interruption of the Turkish-Azerbaijani highway, and the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway by "Georgian believers" under that pretext, and the constant incitement of the patriarchy are part of the new Byzantine plan.

This time the military aggression against Tovuz was the first military exercise in an attempt to squeeze Azerbaijan into the "alliance between the two seas." As Turkey has been watching the games closely since the beginning, this is one of the reasons why the tough reaction of the defense and foreign ministers, along with President Erdoğan, has not been delayed. In other words, there could be no other way but for Ankara to react so resolutely to the plans to be implemented between the two seas. Turkey did it.

After this determination, will Ankara permanently place its philosophy of "Let's go to our family home instead of seeking happiness in the deserts of Arabia" at the heart of its state policy?

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the UAE and Israel should be a factor supporting Ankara's commitment to this philosophy, and the Karabakh issue should go far beyond the Palestinian issue.

Processes brought it back to that point 102 years later. To the point "Let's go to our family home"...

Ankara would have said, "Let's go"...

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