Leyla Yunus: Pressure continues

Human rights activist  Leyla Yunuswho is kept in jail N 1  again stated about violence against het.

Yunus said the following: "On 1 October at 14:20-14:25 I was attacked by a cellmate Nuria Huseynova. I was watching TV,  but she suddenly cried out that  the TV volume was high, but it was not so; then she jumped up and began to scream and swear dirty. She threatened to throw mud at me. I rushed to the door and knocked. The door opened almost immediately. I asked the matron Nyazyakyat Mamedova to protect me from attack. N. Huseynova was not confused with the presence of matron (!) She continued to swear, saying that I was watching TV at high volume  I respectfully asked N. Mamedova to protect me !! After 20-25 minutes N.Huseynovu and all the prisoners in turn were  taken out to an interview with the supervision. I also taken out  brought. Two majors, the name of one of them is  Gulu Nuriyev, asked me to write an explanation. I refused, saying that it was not the first attack on me  on the part of N.Huseynova. I said that  after the first attack I wrote a detailed explanation, that  I was beaten and  there were bruises on my body ... But N.Huseynova remained in the cell, and continued to torture me psychologically. Then I reprimanded.

On Thursday, October 2 at 9:20-9:35 those two majors  entered the cell and announced reprimand me for increasing the TV’s volume on Wednesday at 14:20. Thus, N.Huseynova is still used to torture  me. My health   has seriously worsened."- 0—

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