The possessor of the irresistible smile, Nusiravan Maharramli, has disappeared. Nobody knows where he is since journalists asked him about a pornographic clip announced by Lider TV channel yesterday evening. Maharramli said that he had not seen the clip, and promised to express his opinion after watching it ... and then he disappeared. I do not think he is ashamed to admit that the station has violated not only journalist ethics, but also the law. Probably the eroticism was so impressive that Maharramli, head of the National Broadcasting Company (NBC), is still under its sway, and cannot be roused from his state. (Perhaps he has recorded the clip and is watching it again and again in order to formulate his thoughts?) Who knows?
But recently the same Maharramli, choked with anger, threatened to punish another TV station for airing a film with frank scenes. The head of NBC spoke then of journalist ethics, national mentality, norms of legislation, among other things. The answer to the question is very simple, and every sensible person knows the clip was ordered from the top. By itself, such material is a brutal violation of legislation, not to speak of the ethics and mentality which the authorities use so often. First of all, such material testifies to the absence of the right to privacy in Azerbaijan, and the right to the inviolability of one"s accommodation. In fact it shows that he who opposes the authorities can come under the control of secret services, and his personal life can become the subject for blackmail. It

t is noteworthy that the "journalist"s" commentary on the clip concerned the authorities" criticism of opposition leaders. They noted the name of a man having sex, and stated that such sex testifies to the opposition"s crudeness and dishonor. It was unclear what the speaker on the clip meant - either there is no sex in Azerbaijan, or that real Azerbaijanis should not have sex (probably those in authority reproduce by cell division, like single-celled organisms)?

is noteworthy that the "journalist"s" commentary on the clip concerned the authorities" criticism of opposition leaders. They noted the name of a man having sex, and stated that such sex testifies to the opposition"s crudeness and dishonor. It was unclear what the speaker on the clip meant - either there is no sex in Azerbaijan, or that real Azerbaijanis should not have sex (probably those in authority reproduce by cell division, like single-celled organisms)?
I think there is no coincidence that this abomination has appeared at this moment - on the eve of parliamentary elections. It is noteworthy that the author of the "reel" spoke not of moral values and sacred family principles, but about the dishonor of the opposition. He was not indignant over the fact that a married man has a lover, but by the fact that a member of the opposition has sex.
The legal arbitrariness seen in this situation stems from the fact that the TV station used images obtained by a concealed camera. In normal countries, no normal TV station would use such a clip and would be shut down or punished in the courts for showing it. (It is enough it to remember the case in which the editor-in-chief of CNN resigned due to accusations of violating political correctness.) This year, the authorities amended legislation to prohibit video-recording without permission, even in public places. But in this case, they steal into man"s bed, secretly record video, and show it on TV, and threaten others. Is this your legal state and national mentality?!

Shahin Hajiyev

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