Буча. Фото: Getty Images

Буча. Фото: Getty Images

See the history of the strengthening of Nazi Germany, how he became popular with the slogans of "getting up off his knees." How Germany, to the melody of a harmonica, first took Austria, which happily joined it, then the Germans living in Czechoslovakia, then the appetite intensified and Poland went to waste, and the rest of the world thought only of itself.

Hitler masterfully put on a carefully crafted mass propaganda show in a stadium in Berlin. The crowd roared in delight, throwing up their hands, and he once again convinced himself that he was chosen by God.

After that, the "messiah" took France, simply deciding that this country should not exist. He convinced himself even more of his own invincibility, and with constant lies he turned the minds of the Germans. They were convinced of the correctness of the completely stupid and untenable racist theory of Adolf. Admirers of Hitler were even in other countries, one of the British princes tried to imitate the Fuhrer. A team gathered around the already clearly ill Hitler, whose mental level is humorous today, but then the world was not funny.

Great Britain was the only power always, sometimes single-handedly, opposed to Hitler.

Germany easily reached Moscow. From there began the return journey of Adolf to his suicide.

Civilian Germans did not believe that their soldiers were killing others en masse. After the war, the Americans had to forcibly take the Germans on excursions to the former concentration camps. This was called denazification. The frames of the historical chronicle of 1945 depict how the Americans carried out the denazification of the Germans. They forced the German civilian population to dig up the bodies of victims of Nazism from common graves, collect the dead in the neighborhood - and bury them like human beings.

Photo here https://censor.net/en/p241231

Since then, historians have sought explanations for the duplicity of Europe in the 1930s and 1940s and say that if the world had united then, World War II would not have been so devastating. Hitler could have been strangled in his cradle.

The history of the collapse of Europe is being repeated before our eyes. Putin's path bears a striking resemblance to Hitler's rise to the top. There are easily captured lands of Georgia, Ukraine, the forceful suppression of the uprising in Kazakhstan, the cunning entry of troops into Azerbaijan and Moldova. Military censorship and mass repressions in Russia.

But the journey has already begun. The Russian army is rolling back from Kiev, falling apart. Ukraine turned out to be too tough for Putin, like the USSR in the history of Hitler. The world has united against Russia, new countries are joining the anti-Putin alliance.

Russia today resembles Germany after 1943. Putin is conducting covert mobilization, he intends to “save face” with some kind of “victory”, so that the promise of “fulfillment of the goals of the operation in full” is filled with at least some success.

In Ukraine, the tragedy of Khatyn and Babye Yar was repeated - the genocide in Bucha and other cities of the Kiev and Chernihiv regions. The tragedy of Ukrainian Stalingrad-Mariupol continues.

In Russia, as in Germany in 1945, the best people discuss the post-Putin future...


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