Тофик Зульфугаров

Тофик Зульфугаров

Former Foreign Minister and recognized expert in the field of foreign policy of Azerbaijan Tofiq Zulfugarov urged the country's Foreign Ministry to study and draw conclusions from the board of Armenians Nikol Pashinyan.

Zulfugarov believes that the perspective of the political line of the Armenian elite for the near future is simple and clear because the geographic and geopolitical realities of Armenia, and its extremely nationalist state ideology during the recent history of this state determined the line of behavior of the political elite. This ideology, which has become an integral part of the ethnic psychology of the overwhelming majority of the society, includes attempts at permanent expansion in relation not only to territories, but also history, cultural heritage, including music and even the cooking of neighbors. This political constant is characteristic not only of the period of the reign of authoritarian "former warlords", but also of the intellectual L.Ter-Petrosyan, who claimed to be "democratic".

The hopes of the liberals from Azerbaijan that N.Pashinyan, having come to power will do something real to achieve a just peace, were dispelled within a few days, immediately after the first statements of the new head of the Armenian state?

The expert assures that proceeding from the above, the coordinated actions of Armenian politicians, as well as Russian and Western Armenian diaspora centers towards attempts to combine incompatible - geopolitical realities, dependence on neighbors and aggressiveness of the policy of expansion towards these same neighbors, will be continued. This contradiction was always used by external forces, which took into account the "compliance" of Armenians in matters of fulfilling external political orders. So it was at the end and at the beginning of the 19th and 20th centuries, this is how it is today in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

If at the end of the 19th century the Armenian political elite, having existed quite comfortably within the framework of the Ottoman and Persian empires for several centuries, made a choice with regard to Russia and its expansionist policy to the south, at that time, today, in the conditions of objective weakening of Russia, the Armenian political elite chooses a new geopolitical model and makes an attempt to go under the wing of the West.

To accuse or reproach them for ingratitude, as some politicians in Russia do, looks dumb enough, and, most importantly, absolutely senseless. Is it possible to reproach someone for seeking better conditions for themselves in the hope of providing a more worthy future? Tofik Zulfugarov asks in his Facebook page. All attempts to slow down this trend of Armenia's drift towards the West are absolutely temporary, and ultimately, ineffective.

Characteristic is the situation when, during the "withdrawal" of Armenians from the Ottoman geopolitical model, many ministers and even the foreign minister were Turkish ethnic Armenians. And today, in the 21st century, during the "withdrawal" of Armenians from the Russian model towards the West, in the Russian political elite, a large number of Russian ethnic Armenians, including the Foreign Minister, are present in key positions.

Pashinyan, as a politician who came to power in Armenia, does not care - as a result of popular unrest or, as others say, as a result of long-term and phased implementation of the plans of external pro-Western forces, will be obliged to try to fulfill an impossible task. Namely, how to politically economically, ideologically, and even mentally "be in the West and with the West," and continue to use the "Russian umbrella" to ensure security, until it is replaced by the western one.

If we do not change the main parameters of our foreign policy towards our neighbors, and the annexation policy towards Azerbaijan in particular, then it is certain that this "security umbrella" of Armenia will be very much needed. It is only thanks to him that Armenia continues to hold control over the occupied territories. In these conditions, not wanting to change its policy now "a democratic collector of ancient Armenian lands", he is forced to continue, like "undemocratic Kocharyan and Sargsyan", to rely only on the favor of the Kremlin. In order to lead this delicate game, he will try to avoid the "Sargsyan situation", when, in addition to the president himself, another dozen officials were directly subordinate to Moscow, who "directed" some or other spheres of the country's life, including security and defense.

Therefore, the dismissal of a number of key individuals from this composition, as well as their replacement by openly pro-Western politicians, is a direct challenge to the Kremlin.

Will Moscow accept the ultimatum situation put forward by Pashinyan as the future basis for the relationship, time will tell.

Today it is clear that in this confrontation with Moscow, Pashinyan hopes not only for his rating of the "leader of the revolution", but also for the hidden support of the West.

The third trump card and the most important, which will determine Moscow's policy towards Armenia, is the strongest Armenian lobby in Russia. Given the reality, this structure is wrongly termed the "lobby" definition, it is a real and strong part of Russia's political elite, whose significant figures are not only the ethnic Armenian Lavrov, but also many characters with completely non-Armenian surnames, but either family, political or business ties with the Armenian Diaspora.

It is by their hands that an attempt is made when the "woman who went to another" should continue to guard the Russian armed forces. It is practically impossible to explain the expediency of all this to the Russian political elite and the general public. And so, the political protests that were impossible several years ago, as it was with Leontiev and Shevchenko, became more frequent. But this is only a visible part of the protests of the Russian political elite against the abnormality of Russia's policy towards Armenia. And, as many consider, her humiliation for the Kremlin.

But let's return to Pashinyan's 100 days, which have not expired yet. I think that not only the 100, but also the next months and possibly the years of Pashinyan's rule will be held within the framework of the contradictions outlined above. And the Russian pro-Armenian lobby will continue to "sell" the public the scenario that "after the Armenian Yushchenko will come the Armenian Yanukovych," if we do not leave Armenia and will help her. Although I do not know how attractive this scenario is, given the political fate of Yanukovych. And most importantly, what is written all of the above, what should Azerbaijan do in this situation? That's what we need to think about, Tofik Zulfugarov calls the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan.

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