It is clear that he will not stop, and they will unlikely stop him. Many say that all this is an agreement with the West, he does what he wants, and they pretend that they do not like it. As a confirmation of this version is given an argument - the West imposed sanctions against Russia, and what is Azerbaijan compared with Russia? Therefore, the claim that the West does not apply sanctions against Baku because of oil, pipelines and transit from Afghanistan is nonsense.
Supporters of the opposite version believe that the West does not really want sanctions, because Azerbaijan can "take offense" and to join Russia. The others believe that the West has no unified position, and has not yet made a final decision. It should be noted that experts and observers often oversimplify the situation, calling the United States, the European Union and the Council of Europe, the governments of these countries and human rights organizations by one name “the West.”
Often, however, the "experts" forget the real division of power in democratic countries. So, the US Administration may have one position, and the Congress’s position can be different. Washington cannot impose the Congress its views (remember the approval of Matthew Bryza as ambassador to Azerbaijan.)
The government officials in Baku say that behind the publications in the Jerusalem Post, Washington Post and other media outlets, are certain circles of the government, and that they, the power, - do not respond to these "defamatory" publications because they themselves initiated them.
Such statements suggest two things: our government officials remain at the provincials and really believe in what they say. Or, they act according to the method of Dr.Gebbels. However, it is likely that these two factors should be combined.
These officials are accustomed to call and give instructions to the editors of the public or private television channels, to put on knees unwanted media with the help of money or blackmail, to conduct searches and close international organizations and the media. To do this, simply the desire of the authorities and guidance from the top is enough.
But, in fact, in a truly democratic society such thing does not go unnoticed. The US President Nixon was forced to resign when it records of his conversations testifying to his intervention in the electoral process were made public.
However, the analog of this case in Azerbaijan “Gulargeyt", had a much milder consequences for its members, and did not rise above the two "sellers" of deputy seats.
A shepherd can really believe that the White House may instruct the New York Times to write or not to write anything. But why does a senior government official believe it? If he is an idiot - then it is his problem; but why does he want to make fools of all us? Where the limit is is this hypocrisy and why do we suffer? ...
In the 70s of the 20th century the Government of Greece was headed by a man named Karamanlis - father of the current well-known political figure in the country.
He was the first prime minister, after the departure of the regime of "black colonels." In one of his interviews, asking the journalist's question why the military junta voluntarily left, handing over power to a civilian government, he gave a very interesting answer.
- You know, it is easy to govern the poor and stupid people, it is easy to manage rich and stupid people, but it is difficult to govern the poor and intelligent people. And the Greeks are poor, but a wise people, Karamanlis said.
One can agree with this opinion, or not, but there is no doubt that the high level of political activity of citizens would not let to fool society. Whatever, the phrase: Every nation deserves its government is partially true.
In the meantime, we roll down an inclined, and those who receive wage in envelopes, speak with irritation about human rights defenders, sincerely hate the opposition, do not allow the thought that they are turning into a dumb herd. They already are afraid to raise their voice when schools force their children to celebrate the birth and death of the grandfather "Lenin", to listen to a lecture about the merits of the savior of the nation, and not to put it into question.
Someone thinks that one day oil money will run out, and people will no longer put up with what is happening. However, social explosions take place not just when people have nothing to eat.
The hero of one of the Soviet films said: “I can stand when they walk into my pocket, but when they take my throat, or spit into my soul, I will not tolerate.”
The events in Ismayilli region showed that the most painful for the people is when they spit in their soul.
But we like to repeat – “the Azerbaijanis are patient people....”
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