Tofig Yagublu
A consistent, principled, critical position played an important role in Yagublu's arrest
- Yadigar bey, why did the authorities arrest Tofig Yagublu again? What do you think are the political motives for this arrest?
- The political motives of this arrest are that Tofig Yagublu regularly and principally criticized the political authorities. In these criticisms, he directly mentioned Ilham Aliyev and, in some cases, Mehriban Aliyeva. Tofig Yagublu was repeatedly summoned to the prosecutor's office and law enforcement agencies and was threatened and warned about this issue. In those meetings, Tofig bey was told that they do not say a word about ordinary criticism but he should not mention these two names in criticism. Of course, Tofig Yagublu did not accept these threats and warnings. He strongly defended his freedom of expression and speech and maintained that freedom inviolable. This is the main reason. On the other hand, Tofig Yagublu has always been one of the most active and selfless participants in all political actions. This also played its role as an additional argument in the decision to re-arrest him. Most importantly, Tofig Yagublu's consistent, principled, concrete critical position, targeting Ilham Aliyev and Mehriban Aliyeva, played an important role in his arrest.
- Tofig Yagublu's daughter Nigar Yagublu and son-in-law Seymur Hazi were once political prisoners. He was also a political prisoner. The re-arrest of Tofig Yagublu has led people to believe that the authorities are taking revenge for something on Tofig Yagublu or his family. Is this idea realistic?
- Seymur Hazi's case is a bit different. Seymur was not his son-in-law when he was arrested. However, he was not released until the last day of his arrest, perhaps, because he was relative to Yagublu family. Unlike most political prisoners, Seymur Hazi was not released early. But in general, it is no secret that the Yagublu family has become a symbol of resistance to the Aliyev regime. And the government is interested in eliminating and breaking this symbol. But they have not been able to do that. Tofig Yagublu and his family show incredible perseverance. Perhaps because we are the contemporaries of this family, we, as human beings watching the events live, are still not able to realize the greatness of this resistance. The true greatness of this resistance can be seen more clearly when being more distant both geographically and in terms of time. Indeed, the government is taking revenge on Tofig Yagublu and his family.
- Tofig Yagublu is a member of both the Musavat Party and the National Council. That is, opposition organizations. With so many people in opposition organizations, the arrest of Tofig Yagublu again raises questions. Why Tofig Yagublu has been targeted?
-It is true that many people are critical and principled. But sometimes they do not mention Ilham Aliyev in their criticism in order not to be arrested for no reason. There are very few people who mention Mehriban Aliyeva. Even among the leaders of opposition political parties, there is a tendency to write something in general but refrain from mentioning Ilham Aliyev. This is what distinguishes Tofig Yagublu from those people. That is why he is more targeted than other activists and is often arrested. He also gained more hatred from the government.
- The arrest of Tofig Yagublu caused considerable irritation in society. In addition, after the court's decision, Western countries and organizations, as well as international human rights organizations have issued statements condemning the decision one after another. Is it possible that the government will release Tofig Yagublu in the next trials? Or should the President calm down the society and gain points again by releasing him in the near future? What are your expectations?
- We have been observing various political arrests for years. Among them were women and even minors. But really, no arrest has caused so much anger, so much protest. There are very serious protests. There is anger in the true sense of the word. Given this, it is possible that the authorities may choose another type of punishment for Tofig bey in the next trial. But Tofig bey went on a hunger strike. He said he did not intend to end the hunger strike until he was released. Both those who know Tofig bey and those who do not know him know how persistent and strong he is. Therefore, there is no other way than the intervention of Ilham Aliyev. Ilham Aliyev must make his decision. That is, I do not want to say that Ilham Aliyev must change the court's decision. The decision to arrest Tofig Yagublu is the decision of Ilham Aliyev. Ilham Aliyev must change his decision and release Tofig Yagublu from prison. There is no other way. Otherwise, very serious concussions can occur.
- What should the government do to release Tofig Yagublu and other political prisoners, to put an end to the problem of political prisoners in the country in general? Why doesn't the government take this step? Is he afraid for some reason or are there other points we do not know?
- To solve the problem of political prisoners, the government should not be this government. In other words, this government should not exist in essence. There is a change in the physical sense, and there is a change in the essence. And I do not believe that the essence of this government will change. Therefore, the only way to solve the problem of political prisoners in Azerbaijan is to change this government as a face, physically, to have another government formed by free and fair elections, elected by the people. As long as this government exists, there will be a problem of political prisoners, there will be other political pressures and threats. Because this is the essence of this government. They can't manage otherwise. It is an anti-democratic government. The anti-democratic government will also have political prisoners and repression. They will try to violate all political freedoms and rights.
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