“Üç tac” gölü

“Üç tac” gölü

Baku/05.09.20/Turan: In July (2020), after appeals from residents of the Yasamal district of Baku, Turan studied the situation and published an article "Baku residents are calling to save the last Yasamal lake." It was about the intention of an unnamed businessman to drain a small lake at the foot of the Three Crowns residential buildings, in the Yasamal district of Baku,  at the intersection of Hasan bey Zardabi and Akim Abbasov streets. It was reported that on the site of the lake the businessman was going to build another residential high-rise, thereby depriving the Yasamals of a small place of the remaining wildlife.

The executive power of the Yasamal district of Baku informed us that the government had forbidden a businessman (according to rumors, the territory belongs to the owner of the Lake Hotel, built on the shore of the reservoir) to drain the lake. By that time, part of the reservoir was already covered with earth. The executive branch said that the businessman was instructed to return the space to its previous state. Improvement works will be carried out in this place in order to create a recreation area for local residents.

The residents told the press that construction work and backfilling of the lake were temporarily suspended in order to lull the vigilance of citizens and then build a high-rise building on the site of the lake. “No cleaning was done. On the contrary, they covered the only lake within the boundaries of Baku. They say that the owners are high-ranking people close to the family," such a note was left in one of the sites under the publication about this lake by a Baku woman Eka Karaeva.

On September 2, our correspondent visited the rest part of the lake and took pictures. The territory is surrounded by a metal fence, a booth with a guard has been set up, who, answering questions, said: he does not know what he is guarding and what work will be carried out here.

There was no construction equipment and construction waste, as well as a beautiful place for rest of Baku residents. In the executive power of the Yasamal region, the assistant to the head of Gabil Suleimanzade told Turan that the issues of this territory are being dealt with in the executive power of Baku. He advised to ask questions to the heads of the capital. On what basis was part of the territory of the Yasamal region transferred to the responsibility of the Executive Power of Baku and who owns this lake? He did not answer these questions.

None of the four telephones of the Executive Power Baku answered. The employee of the General Department of Executive Power listened to our questions,  and asked to wait for a phone call with explanations. Our goal  is to find out: What and when will be built in the area of ​​the last city lake in the Yasamal district of Baku? Why is not the promise to create a place of rest for the pleasure of the townspeople fulfilled?

Knowing the customs of the city administration for many similar events in Baku, one can predict that the lake is doomed, it will be filled up for the construction of a profitable high-rise building. --0--


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