Belgorod Apartment Building Hit by Shelling: Conflicting Reports and Rising Tensions

Belgorod Apartment Building Hit by Shelling: Conflicting Reports and Rising Tensions

 On Sunday morning, the head of the Belgorod region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, reported a devastating incident of shelling in the regional center and surrounding areas allegedly originating from Ukraine. The aftermath was dire, with significant destruction reported, including the collapse of a ten-story apartment building.

According to Russian news agencies, citing operational services, the explosion resulted in severe damage to almost the entire structure, located on Shchors Street. The collapse primarily impacted a two-story arch, with reports indicating the collapse of 16 apartments out of a total of 502 in the building's eight entrances, as per TASS.

The toll on human lives was grim. Initially, the Russian Ministry of Health reported 17 injuries, which later climbed to 20 as the roof collapsed on rescuers at the scene. Emergency services, according to local reports, are actively engaged in search and rescue operations, with at least ten people still missing and residents being evacuated.

Governor Gladkov, via his telegram channel, provided preliminary data indicating 19 injuries, including two children, with six already discharged from hospitals in Belgorod. He emphasized the danger of gathering at the damaged site and assured that no additional help was required for rescuers and police.

The situation remains fluid, with concerns of further structural collapses looming. The Investigative Committee of Russia has launched a criminal case, attributing the incident to a terrorist act allegedly perpetrated by armed groups from Ukraine.

However, conflicting narratives abound. The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that the damage was caused as a result of fragments of a missile shot down by Russian air defense systems hitting the building.

Social media platforms have been rife with alternative theories, ranging from internal explosions to accidental munition descents. The absence of official comments from the Ukrainian side adds to the ambiguity, leaving room for speculation.

Meanwhile, reports indicate repeated sirens warning residents of missile threats, underscoring the prevailing tension and anxiety in Belgorod and neighboring areas.

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