Chronicle of events

3105: The Chairman of the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Human Rights, Udo Bullmann, the head of the EP delegation for relations with the South Caucasus, Marina Kaljurand, and the EP's permanent rapporteur on Azerbaijan, Željana  Zovko, issued a “Joint Statement on the unrelenting suppression of all forms of dissent in Azerbaijan.” Members of the European Parliament called for sanctions against Azerbaijani officials.

3105: A group of pro-Palestinian activists attacked the office of the Azerbaijani oil company Socar in Istanbul. They accused Azerbaijan of supplying oil to Israel and demanded stop it.

0106: The third meeting of the Strategic Dialogue between Azerbaijan and Latvia was held in Riga. The talks were chaired by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Fariz Rzayev and Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anjais Wilumsons.

0106: The Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov received a delegation headed by Ismail Gunaydin, Chief of the Main Intelligence Department of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Türkiye. The parties discussed  the  current state and prospects for the development of bilateral cooperation in the military and military-educational fields, the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

0106: The Baku Khatai court arrested economist Farid Mehralizadeh for 3 months and 20 days.  According to his relatives, Farid is charged under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling), as a part of the case against employees of "Abzas media". At the trial Mehralizadeh stated that he was not guilty and had no business relations with "Abzas media".

0206: In May, 126 border violators were detained in Azerbaijan. Among them 83 citizens of Azerbaijan, 30 citizens of Pakistan, 5 citizens of Iraq, 3 citizens of Iran, 3 citizens of Afghanistan, 1 citizen of Nepal and 1 citizen of Russia, the State Border Guard Service (SBGS) reports. Also, 16 people were detained as a part of the struggle against illegal migration while trying to cross the state border with false documents. In addition, 809 people were detained for violating the rules of the border regime.As a part of measures to combat crime, 316 people declared wanted by the law enforcement agencies of Azerbaijan were detained.

0306: Five repairmen died  after being poisoned by gas during work at the floating shipyard of the Zykh ship repair plant of the Caspian Shipping Company of Azerbaıjan. Two more sailors were hospitalized with a diagnosis of poisoning.

0306:  Azerbaijani Prime Minister Ali Asadov arrived in Minsk on a working visit at the invitation of Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko. During the visit, Asadov will take part in the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and the plenary session "Food Security of the Eurasian Economic Union".

0306:  Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov received Louis Bono, the chief adviser to the US State Department at the Caucasus talks.  The sides discussed various aspects of bilateral and multilateral cooperation, and exchanged views on the peace process in the region in the post-conflict period, the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

0306: Economist Farid Mehralizadeh, who was arrested on charges of smuggling, is not related to the work of “Abzas Media,” the interim management of this publication said. Farid Mehralizadeh was detained on June 1 as part of a criminal case against employees of “Abzas Media.”

0306: Two more former heads of financial services in the Azerbaijani army have been arrested. They were involved in a criminal case of embezzlement of 143 million manats in the Ministry of Defense. In particular, the State Security Service brought to justice Jabrail Orujev and Vahid Novruzlu under Article 179.4 (appropriation, on a particularly large scale) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. By the decision of the Baku Military Court, both were arrested for 4 months.

0306: Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev received Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA). According to the website of the head of state, during the meeting, an exchange of views took place on the work being carried out in Azerbaijan to prepare for COP29.

0406: The trial of four servicemen - Ruslan Mikyailov, Sanan Mashiyev, Jabir Gahramanov and Elchin Aliyev - ended in the Baku Military Court. These soldiers, who served in military units in the Terter, Aghdam and Beylagan districts, were accused of committing crimes against the victims of the "Terter case". The court sentenced:  Ruslan Mikayilov to 6 years and 10 months, Sanan Mashiyeva to 4 years and 10 months, Jabir Gahramanov to 6 years and 8 months, Elchin Aliyeva to 5 years and 8 months in prison.

0406: The Platform of the “Third Republic” issued a statement stating threats to Akif Gurbanov, the leader of this organization,  in the Baku pre-trial detention center-1. It is said that a high-ranking government official appeared in the pre-trial detention center and demanded that Gurbanov stop making accusations against the head of state. Otherwise, Gubanov was threatened with torture.

0406: Near Baku an opening ceremony of the joint exercise ‘Caucasian Eagle - 2024’ with participation of special forces of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia was held. At the opening ceremony acting commander of the special forces of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces General Akif Pirverdiyev congratulated the participants of the exercise and wished them success, the military department reports.

0406:  6 citizens of Azerbaijan (5 children and 1 woman) who had been held in camps were repatriated from Syria.

0506:  President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Acting President of Iran Mohammad Mohber had a telephone conversation. Aliyev confirmed his commitment to the agreements reached at the last meeting with the late Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, the press service of the head of Azerbaijan. In turn, Mohber also reaffirmed Iran's commitment to the implementation of the agreements reached.

0506: The case of the arrested  first-group disabled person, Famil Khalilov, and his health were the subject of discussions at a meeting of human rights defenders with diplomats of European countries at the office of the European Union in Baku. The meeting was attended by Rufat Safarov, Fuad Hasanov, and Khalilov's wife. The staff of the EU mission, the embassies of Germany, France and the Netherlands were informed about the situation.

0506: The health of Famil Khalilov,  a paralyzed activist, a first-group disabled person, worsened in the Baku pre-trial detention center-1. He is not allowed to meet with his loved ones, said the wife of the activist Kichikhanym Khalilova. Khalilov can only contact his family by phone.

0506: Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov confirmed on Wednesday that the previous day Baku received the Armenian Foreign Ministry's response on the draft peace treaty. ‘The content of the reply allows us to conclude that the number of issues that remained open has declined and positive dynamics is observed,’ Bayramov stressed at a joint press conference with Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó in Baku.

0506: The Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Hungary held a joint press conference following the results of the 2nd meeting of the Strategic Dialogue.   The main topics of discussion at the meeting were the development of trade and economic relations, energy issues, and mutual investments.  The Azerbaijani-Armenian peace talks and the priorities of Hungary's policy during the six-month presidency of the European Union were also touched upon.   As a result of the negotiations, the final protocol on strategic dialogue between the two countries and a memorandum on consular cooperation between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries were also signed, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov  announced at the final press conference.

0506: The United States reiterated its call on the Azerbaijani government to "immediately release all individuals who are unjustly detained and to respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all," as the State Department Spokesperson put it, when reacting to the arrest of yet another prominent civil society member in Azerbaijan, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports.

0606: The Declaration of Independence of Armenia, which is included in the Constitution of Armenia, contains territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Therefore, concluding a peace treaty with Azerbaijan without changing the Constitution of Armenia is impossible. This was stated by Head of State Ilham Aliyev  at a meeting with the speakers of the parliaments of the Turkic countries.

0606: Prison overcrowding remains an acute problem for many European prison systems, according to the Council of Europe's Annual Report on Prisons (SPACE I) for 2023.  In Azerbaijan, this figure is 96 prisoners per 100 places.

0606: The representative of the Armenian government, Gor Tsarukyan, in an interview with Armenian Public TV, said that Baku and Yerevan may exchange some border territories. "A referendum can be held and most likely will be held if the parties come to an agreement on the exchange of some territories, for example, the Voskepar, Berkaber triangles, etc.," he said.

0706: A military delegation of Kazakhstan headed by Defense Minister Ruslan Zhaksylykov arrived in Azerbaijan on an official visit. Receiving the delegation at the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, Head of the Department Zakir Hasanov spoke about the importance of cooperation between the two countries in military-technical, military-educational and other fields.

0806: Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev began his official visit to Egypt, where he met with President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi in order to further develop bilateral relations and strengthen joint efforts in areas of mutual interest.

0806: A court in the city of Shirvan sentenced Czech citizen Bacha Daniel Vladimir to 1.5 years in prison, finding him guilty under Article 318.1 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan (illegal crossing of the state border.)

0806: The Republic of Armenia has no territorial claims against any of its neighbors, including Azerbaijan. This is stated in the statement of the Armenian Foreign Ministry in response to the statement of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev."The Constitution of the Republic of Armenia and the amendments thereto are an internal affair of the Republic of Armenia, and we assess official Baku's attempts to interfere in internal Armenian discussions as gross interference in the internal affairs of our country».

0806: Sevinj Sadigova, a reporter for the Azel TV YouTube channel, was briefly detained by police. She herself told the Turan agency about this. The reason for the arrest was her live broadcast on Facebook about an incident in an above-ground pedestrian crossing near Ukraine Square in Baku, where people were stuck in an elevator.

0806: The talks in Cairo between the Presidents of Azerbaijan and Egypt, Ilham Aliyev and Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi resulted   in signing of a package of bilateral agreements. In particular, Memoranda of Understanding were signed between the Ministries of Youth and Sports, Energy, Economy and Transport.

0906: Two border guards died as a result of a lightning strike on the territory of the border guard detachment "Lankaran" - Major Bakhysh Bakhyshly and Private Ali Nagiyev. This is stated in the press release of the State Border Service, which expresses deep condolences to the families and relatives of the victims.

1006: The prospects for the development of military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Georgia were discussed  in Baku at a meeting of the defense ministers of the two countries – Zakir Hasanov and Irakli Chikovani. During the meeting, Hasanov stressed that the relations of strategic partnership between the two countries are developing in an upward direction.

1006: Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin had a telephone conversation with Azerbaijani Prime Minister Ali Asadov. "The heads of government discussed topical issues of trade and economic cooperation. Special attention was paid to the implementation of major joint projects in various areas of mutual interest," the Russian government said in a statement.

1006: During the operational activities on the Iran-Azerbaijan border in recent days, on the territory of the Lankaran border detachment, Border Service officers prevented the smuggling of 42 kg 970 grams of marijuana from Iran to Azerbaijan, the message of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan.

1106: During his visit to Germany, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov met with his German counterpart Annalena Berbock. The parties discussed issues of cooperation within the framework of the COP29 climate conference.

1106: The family of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, an Azerbaijani political prisoner, has called on the United Nations to intervene during the international climate talks in Bonn, which are a precursor to the COP29 summit. Campaigners are drawing attention to the mistreatment of the well-known economist, who has been a vocal critic of Azerbaijan's fossil fuel industry.

1006: The situation in Gaza was one of the topics of discussion at the meeting of the Presidents of Turkey and Azerbaijan, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev, in Ankara. According to a statement from the Turkish Presidential administration, the parties "discussed the massacres committed by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip." Erdogan stressed that "the genocide committed by Israel in the Palestinian territories, especially in the Gaza Strip, threatens not only regional but also global security."

1206: Since 2018, the biggest problem in connection with Nagorno-Karabakh has been  a situation when Armenia inevitably had to go either through concessions or war. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this, speaking in the Armenian parliament. According to Pashinyan, it would be correct to accept this at that time and say that Nagorno-Karabakh should be recognized as an autonomy within Azerbaijan, with the logic that it should be not only Armenian, but also Azerbaijani, with joint governance, he said.

1206: In January-May 2024,  two tons  and 828 kg of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances were seized from illicit trafficking in Azerbaijan, the message of the State Commission of Azerbaijan on combating drug trafficking.

1206: The Russian peacekeeping contingent has been completely withdrawn from Karabakh, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry announced on June 12. The personnel, weapons and equipment of the peacekeeping contingent have completely left the territory of Azerbaijan, the message says. The flag of Azerbaijan has been raised over the Khojaly airport, where the peacekeepers were based.

1206: A meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives of NATO + Azerbaijan was held in Brussels, which was attended by Hikmet Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan on Foreign Policy Issues.

1206: Azerbaijan stands for an early cessation of hostilities in Ukraine, as well as a diplomatic solution to the conflict based on the norms of international law. This was stated by Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov at a conference in Germany on the restoration of Ukraine, confirming Baku's support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

1206:  From 10:05 to 17:50 the Armenian armed forces fired several times at positions of the Azerbaijani armed forces from three directions: Khavush village of Sharur region, Nurgut village of Ordubad region and Guney Gyshlag village of Shahbuz region, the Defence Ministry press release says.

1206:  The theme of the upcoming COP29 in Baku was the leitmotif of British Ambassador Fergus Auld's speech on June 12 at a reception on the occasion of the birthday of King Charles III. "The agreement reached 6 months ago on holding COP29 in Baku was a positive signal in the fight against climate change and for the establishment of peace in the region. I hope that both Azerbaijan and Armenia will continue to do everything possible to achieve sustainable peace before COP29," the Ambassador said.

12.06: Tactical exercises of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces units stationed in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic took place. By agreement with the Iranian side, at the same time, the Iranian army conducted tactical exercises on its territory.

1306: At 19:50 Armenian Armed Forces units shelled the positions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in the direction of Yukhary Buzgov village of Babek district of Nakhchivan.  The Azerbaijani side took retaliatory measures, the Defence Ministry's press service said.

1306: The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)  announced the decision in the case of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and others against Azerbaijan. Applications were submitted in connection with the blocking of 4 websites in Azerbaijan - , , and , according to the legal information website . The applicants, in particular, were Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty"  ( ), Azer Talibov (founder and editor-in-chief of the website ( ), Vugar Alekperov (founder of the site ) and Avaz Zeynalli (founder of the site ). The ECHR has recognized the illegal blocking of 4 websites in Azerbaijan.

1406:  Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov received Serbian Defense Minister Bratislav Gašić , who is on an official visit to Baku. During the meeting, Hasanov stressed the strategic nature of the partnership between the two countries, including cooperation in the military sphere. In turn, Gašić  congratulated Azerbaijan on its victory in the Second Karabakh War and reaffirmed its readiness to cooperate in all spheres. Further, the parties discussed in detail the prospects for the development of relations in the military and military-technical spheres, as well as military education.

1406: The meeting of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg concluded the discussion on the implementation of 25 decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concerning Azerbaijan. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe criticized Baku for non-compliance with the decisions of the ECHR.

1406: Azerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov received a delegation headed by Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation of the Chinese Army Yao Gin. Hasanov informed the Chinese delegation about the operational situation on the conditional Azerbaijani-Armenian border. Yao Ging stressed the importance of regular exchanges of experience between the armies of the two countries and invited the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan to the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum in September.

1406:  The Union "For Freedom of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan" (FPPA) announced  a new list of 303 political prisoners in Azerbaijan. As compared to the previous list of 18 March, the number of political prisoners has risen by 16 people.

1406:   Fazil Gasimov, who was arrested in a criminal case against opposition politician and scientist-economist Gubad Ibadoglu, began a hunger strike  in Baku Pretrial Detention Center No. 1. He protests against the biased investigation.

1406:  The Khatai District Court  granted a request to conduct a medical examination in a civilian clinic for the arrested founder of the  

1506:  Azerbaijan celebrates National Salvation Day.

1706:  NIDA activist Nijat Amiraslanov was released  two days after his detention. Amiraslanov's colleagues told Turan news agency that he had been in the police all this time. The activist himself said that he could not yet tell about the reasons for his detention and the details of this case.

1706:  The Penitentiary Service provided consent for public activist Bakhtiyar Hajiyev to undergo a medical examination in a private civilian clinic at the expense of his family.

1806:  Thirty children from Ukraine arrived in Baku today for socio-psychological rehabilitation. Within 10 days, the Agency for Social Services under the Ministry of Labor and Social Security organizes a recreation program in one of the Baku camps. National dance lessons, individual consultations with a professional psychologist, meditation and yoga classes, socio-psychological trainings, and acquaintance with the national cuisine of Azerbaijan will be organized for children.

1806:  Turkish President Erdogan had a telephone conversation with Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan. According to the Turkish President's press service, Pashinyan congratulated Erdogan on the Kurban Bayram holiday, while Erdogan congratulated Pashinyan on the upcoming Transfiguration Day of Jesus Christ. Erdogan expressed condolences to Pashinyan over the recent flooding in Armenia's northern regions.  During the conversation, both leaders underlined their political will to fully normalise relations between Turkey and Armenia without preconditions.

1806:  At 15:30, border guards found a batch of marijuana with a total weight of 11 kg. imported from Iran on the territory of the Geytepe border detachment.An investigation is underway into the fact, the State Border Service of Azerbaijan reported.

1906:  The Armenian Foreign Ministry has expressed indignation over Baku's reaction to military-technical co-operation between Armenia and France. "Every country has the sovereign right to have an army equipped with combat and modern military equipment. The Republic of Armenia recognizes the territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of all its neighbors».

1906:  The 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference (IAC) held in Vilnius rallied behind Azerbaijani economist and political activist Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu, condemning what it termed as the alarming criminalization of anti-corruption advocates worldwide.

2106:  U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday spoke with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and recognized ongoing progress by Armenia and Azerbaijan toward a peace agreement, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports. Blinken underscored the significance of concluding an agreement 'without delay' and "reiterated the United States remains willing to support further engagement in any way useful to the parties," State Department's Spokesperson Matthew Miller said in a readout of the call.

2106:  The Milli Majlis, Azerbaijan's parliament, has appealed to President Ilham Aliyev for the appointment of early parliamentary elections.

2106:  A significant amount of drugs was seized in Baku during the operation conducted by the Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.Talat Muradov, Shahlar Gasimov and Famil Aliyev, who organized illegal drug trafficking, were detained.   60 kg of marijuana enriched with psychotropic substances - heroin, methamphetamine, as well as 8,780 methadone tablets were found in their homes and cars.

2106:  The Milli Majlis adopted in the first reading amendments to the Family Code prohibiting marriages between blood relatives. In particular, marriages between cousins who have a biological relationship will be prohibited.

2106:  Agyl Gumbatov, a member of the Party of People's Front of Azerbaijan (PPFA) who is serving a prison sentence, has been placed in the psychiatric ward of the Penitentiary Service Hospital.Despite the fact that he has no psychiatric problems, he is forced to take psychotropic drugs. This was stated to Turan by his wife Aygyun Gumbatova.

2106:  The Azerbaijani Parliament has adopted an appeal to the President of Azerbaijan with a request to call early elections to Milli Majlis.The   was adopted on the initiative of deputies from the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan Party, which has an absolute majority in the Parliament. The initiative is motivated by the fact that the next Parliamentary elections to be held in November, but at this time Baku will host international events, including COP29.

2106:  In  the territory of Jabrayil region during demining a shell explosion occurred, following which an employee of the Demining Agency Isayev Ragif, born in 1980, was killed. This is stated in a joint report of the Interior Ministry, the General Prosecutor's Office and ANAMA.

2106:  Azerbaijan handed over to the Armenian side the remains of two Armenian servicemen presumably killed during two days of fighting in September 2022.  This was reported by the Armenian National Security Service.

2106:  Activist of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Elnur Hasanov attempted suicide in Baku pre-trial detention center-1, his lawyer Neymat Kerimli told Turan. According to him, Hasanov broke a window in the sanitary and medical part of the pre-trial detention center and cut his veins with a piece of glass. After the intervention of doctors, the threat to life has passed. He had five stitches, Kerimli said.

2206:  At 13:00, positions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in the direction of Mollabayramli village of the Kalbajar district were again shelled with small arms fire from the territory of Armenia.The Azerbaijani side took adequate response measures, the Defence Ministry said.A day  , the military department also reported about the enemy's shelling of the positions of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces in the same area.

2206:  Armenia has formally proposed to Azerbaijan the establishment of a bilateral mechanism aimed at investigating incidents of ceasefire violations along their shared border. The proposal, conveyed through diplomatic channels from the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia to the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan, seeks to address recent tensions.

2206:   The arrested founder of Toplum TV, Alesgar Mammadli, underwent a biopsy in a civilian West Hospital and returned to the detention center.

2406: The special quarantine regime on the territory of Azerbaijan has been extended until October 1, the corresponding decision was signed by Prime Minister Ali Asadov. The document states that the quarantine regime is maintained "in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

2406: A group of economists appealed to government agencies with a request to replace economic expert Farid Mehralizadeh's pre-trial detention with house arrest. "We consider it advisable to conduct an objective investigation of the charges against Farid Mehralizadeh and replace his arrest with house arrest for the duration of the investigation," the appeal says.

2406:  In the early, in the village of Shuvelyan near Baku, the previously convicted Allahverdiyev Rovshan (born in 1986) opened fire with a Lancaster hunting rifle, killing three policemen and one civilian.

2506:  In Baku, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov received Igor Khovayev, special representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry for the normalisation of Azerbaijani-Armenian relations.According to the MFA, the sides discussed Azerbaijani-Russian relations, the current state and prospects of the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia.  Bayramov noted that claims to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in the constitution and other legislative acts of Armenia are the main obstacle to the settlement process.

2506:  Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan held a telephone conversation with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, the Armenian Foreign Ministry said. They discussed the settlement process between the two countries, as well as the situation in the region.

2506:  Economist Fazil Gasimov, who was arrested in the case of opposition politician and scientist Gubad Ibadoglu, addressed the local and world community from the Baku pre-trial detention center-1. He stated that he testified against Gubad Ibadoglu under the influence of psychotropic drugs.

2506:  A group of academics and researchers have called on U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken to intervene in the case of Azerbaijani economist Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, who is under house arrest in Baku. The letter, signed by over 50 scholars, highlights the deteriorating health of Dr. Ibadoghlu and requests urgent action to allow him to receive medical care abroad.

2506:  During the joint operation of the State Border Service and the State Security Service, members of an organized group of smugglers who tried to cross the state border in the northern border of the Caspian Sea were detained.

2506:  Azerbaijan has remained at "level 2" in the State Department's Human Trafficking Report (TIP) for the third year in a row.  This means that the government "does not meet the minimum standards for eradicating this phenomenon and does not make significant efforts to do so," TURAN's Washington correspondent reports. In its annual report, the State Department noted that the Government of Azerbaijan "demonstrated an overall increase in efforts" compared to the previous reporting period.

2506:  The United States on Monday reiterated its support for engagement between Azerbaijan and Armenia toward a peace agreement, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports. "We continue to support engagement between Azerbaijan and Armenia and continue to work to try to resolve that dispute," State Department's spokesperson Matthew Miller told a daily briefing when asked by TURAN about the latest phone call between Secretary Antony Blinken and Azerbaijan's Ilham Aliyev.

2506:  Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov received Igor Khovaev, special representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry for normalization of Azerbaijani-Armenian relations. According to the press service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, the meeting discussed Azerbaijani-Russian bilateral relations, mutual action within the framework of regional platforms, the current state and prospects of the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the situation in the region.

2606:  The first meeting of demining experts from EU member states and the Azerbaijan Mine Action Agency (AMAA) has been held in Baku. This initiative is part of the EU's wider activities to support humanitarian demining in Azerbaijan, the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan says. During the continuation of the program in 2024-2025, an additional €10 million is expected to be allocated to Azerbaijan.

2606:  Armenia has received a new package of proposals on the draft peace treaty from Azerbaijan. Armen Grigoryan, Secretary of the Armenian Security Council, said this in a conversation with journalists, "Sputnik Armenia" reports. According to him, the point in question is the 10th edition of the peace agreement.

2606:  The Baku International Airport, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has been presented a military transport aircraft C-27J "Spartan" produced by "Leonardo" company of the Italian Republic. Relations between Azerbaijan and Italy are based on strategic partnership, and the delivery of the "C-27J Spartan Leonardo" military transport aircraft marked the beginning of cooperation in the military-technical sphere. This was stated by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, receiving a delegation headed by the Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto and with the participation of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Edmondo Cirielli.

2706:  The small-size gunnery ships "Makhachkala" and "Astrakhan" of the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy arrived in Baku to participate in the "Sea Cup" contest to be held as part of the International Army Games-2020 in the territorial waters of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea.

2706:  President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received the head of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Masatsuga Asakawa. According to the website of the head of state, Aliyev expressed gratitude to the guest for the ADB's support for the development of sectors of the Azerbaijani economy that are important both for the country and for regional cooperation. The Head of State highly appreciated "the unequivocal support of the Asian Development Bank, in particular, during some financial delays on the part of European financial institutions for the transportation of Azerbaijani natural gas."

2706:  Restrictions on freedom of expression and harassment of journalists in Azerbaijan on the eve of COP29 in Baku were discussed at a "Parallel event" within the framework of the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council at the Geneva office of the United Nations. The hearings were organized by Azerbaijani NGOs based in Europe - the Institute for Freedom and Safety of Reporters and the Institute for Human Rights.

2706:  The text of the draft peace treaty with Azerbaijan has almost been finalized, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said. "We have been involved in negotiations with Azerbaijan on this issue, and Armenia is ready to fully finalize the text within a month and sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan," he said at a press conference with Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsakhkna in Tallinn on Thursday.

2706:  The prospects for the development of relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia, cooperation in regional and international structures, were discussed today in Tbilisi at a meeting of the foreign ministers of the two countries – Ceyhun Bayramov and Ilia Darchiashvili. In particular, they noted the strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Georgia in the political, defense, security, trade and economic, energy, transport and communication, cultural and humanitarian, and other sectors.

2706:  The Plenum of the Constitutional Court today considered the request of the President of Azerbaijan on the appeal of the Parliament to dissolve the Milli Majlis and appoint extraordinary elections to the legislative body. The Constitutional Court recognized the Parliament's decision as compliant with the Constitution.

2706:  Advocacy groups Publish What You Pay and Crude Accountability have raised alarm on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture over the condition of Azerbaijani scholar Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, urging the government of Azerbaijan to allow him immediate travel abroad for critical medical treatment.

2706:  Farid Hajiyev, Chief of Staff of the Milli Majlis, announced increased restrictions in Azerbaijan as part of preparations for the COP29 global climate conference, scheduled to take place in Baku from November 22-29. The measures affect infrastructure, transport, and security, and are deemed unavoidable.

2806:  The American Embassy in Baku held a reception on 28 June on the occasion of the 248th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of America.US Ambassador Mark Libby said the democratic ideal is America's most important legacy."This democratic ideal is majestic. And at the same time, it's an aspiration that we have not yet fully realised," he said.

2806:  The United States sees opportunities to achieve peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien said at a briefing in Baku today. He stressed that "the settlement of the conflict will be beneficial for the entire region, at the same time it will bring economic benefits."

2806:  During police raids at various addresses in Baku, 25 foreigners were detained in Azerbaijan without documents granting the right to stay in the country, the message of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

2806:  About 50 secondary school teachers who have not been re-certified gathered in front of the Ministry of Science and Education to express their dissatisfaction. They complained about the conditions of the certification exam.

2806:  The President of Azerbaijan signed an order on the dissolution of the Milli Majlis and the appointment of early parliamentary elections for September 1.

2806:  A group supplying drugs from Iran to Azerbaijan has been uncovered, the State Border Guard Service and the General Prosecutor's Office said in a joint press release.

2806:  President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan held talks with U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien, highlighting mutual commitments to regional peace and strategic cooperation.

2806:  Washington considers the Middle Corridor an important step for the entire region, US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia James O'Brien said at a briefing in Baku.

2806:  US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien has called on the Azerbaijani authorities to honor their international human rights obligations. During his visit to Baku, he met with civil society activists.

2806:  Parvin Chobanov, a member of the youth committee of the Movement for Democracy and Welfare, was administratively arrested for 20 days.

An undercover meeting

1006: The situation in Gaza was one of the topics of discussion at the meeting of the Presidents of Turkey and Azerbaijan, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Ilham Aliyev, in Ankara. According to a statement from the Turkish Presidential administration, the parties "discussed the massacres committed by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip." Erdogan stressed that "the genocide committed by Israel in the Palestinian territories, especially in the Gaza Strip, threatens not only regional but also global security."

1806:  Turkish President Erdogan had a telephone conversation with Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan. According to the Turkish President's press service, Pashinyan congratulated Erdogan on the Kurban Bayram holiday, while Erdogan congratulated Pashinyan on the upcoming Transfiguration Day of Jesus Christ. Erdogan expressed condolences to Pashinyan over the recent flooding in Armenia's northern regions.  During the conversation, both leaders underlined their political will to fully normalise relations between Turkey and Armenia without preconditions.

President Aliyev's Surprise Visit to Ankara: A Strategic Discussion

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev made an unexpected visit to Ankara on June 10, at the invitation of his Turkish counterpart, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. While both leaders have maintained frequent communication, with Aliyev visiting Turkey as recently as February and June of last year, the reasons for this latest one-day working visit were shrouded in secrecy. The Azerbaijani press had no prior knowledge of the visit's agenda, underscoring the strategic importance of the discussions.

One of the primary topics of discussion was the escalating situation in Gaza. The Turkish presidential administration confirmed that the leaders focused on the violence in the Gaza Strip, with Erdogan condemning what he termed as "genocide" committed by the Israeli army. Erdogan emphasized that the ongoing conflict not only threatens regional stability but also global security. He reiterated Turkey's stance that a sustainable resolution in the Middle East hinges on the establishment of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and called for international pressure on Israel to achieve this goal.

The presidents also reviewed the ongoing reconstruction efforts in the territories of Azerbaijan that were recently liberated from occupation. Erdogan highlighted Ankara's close monitoring of the withdrawal of Russian peacekeeping forces from the Karabakh region and expressed satisfaction with Azerbaijan's parliamentary decision to establish an Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The upcoming invitation of TRNC President Ersin Tatar to the Organization of Turkic States summit in Shusha is seen as a significant step toward addressing the Cyprus issue.

Erdogan also thanked Aliyev for the invitation to COP29 in Baku and pledged Turkey's full support for Azerbaijan's preparations for the event. In return, Aliyev and Erdogan discussed expanding bilateral ties in energy, transport, economics, and trade. They emphasized enhancing the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway and joint efforts to develop the Middle Corridor, a key trade route linking Asia and Europe.

Defense and military-industrial cooperation were also on the agenda, with both leaders agreeing to strengthen ties in these sectors. They set an ambitious goal to increase trade turnover from $7 billion to $15 billion annually, highlighting the significance of collaboration in the oil and gas sectors and addressing issues on the Armenian-Azerbaijani agenda.

The ongoing peace negotiations between Baku and Yerevan were a critical point of discussion. Aliyev reiterated that a peace treaty with Armenia remains impossible until Yerevan removes territorial claims to Azerbaijani and Turkish lands from its state symbols and constitution. This stance contrasts with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan's recent comments about significant progress in normalizing relations with Turkey, highlighting ongoing tensions.

The potential return of  pro- ex-President  Kocharian forces in Armenia, amid increasing opposition to Prime Minister Pashinyan, adds another layer of complexity to the Azerbaijani-Armenian dynamic. The changing political landscape in Armenia could significantly impact regional stability, making it a crucial topic for Aliyev and Erdogan.

The war in Ukraine remains a pressing global issue, with Russia's recent territorial gains and the delay in Western military aid raising concerns. The potential for Russian aggression to extend to the South Caucasus, particularly targeting Armenia, poses significant threats to the region. Erdogan and Aliyev's discussions likely included contingency plans for such developments, given their profound implications for regional security.

Analyzing the visit, Turkish and Azerbaijani commentators note that President Aliyev's visit to Ankara highlights the deep strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Turkey against the background of regional and global turbulence. Their discussions reflect the complex web of geopolitical, economic, and security challenges facing both nations, reaffirming their commitment to mutual support and cooperation in navigating these uncertain times.

Tactical rapprochement

0506:  President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Acting President of Iran Mohammad Mohber had a telephone conversation. Aliyev confirmed his commitment to the agreements reached at the last meeting with the late Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, the press service of the head of Azerbaijan. In turn, Mohber also reaffirmed Iran's commitment to the implementation of the agreements reached.

12.06: Tactical exercises of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces units stationed in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic took place. By agreement with the Iranian side, at the same time, the Iranian army conducted tactical exercises on its territory.

“Rapprochement with Iran is a result of the aggravation of relations with the West"

The announcement that on June 12, the Azerbaijani and Iranian armies will simultaneously conduct tactical exercises on the border with Nakhchivan raises many questions.  Because relations between the two countries have been tense in recent years. After the 44-day war in 2020, the Iranian military issued a statement against Azerbaijan and threatened Baku.  Azerbaijan, in response to Iran's military exercises, brought special task forces to the border.

On the eve of mutual accusations, an armed attack was carried out on the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran, and the embassy's activities were suspended by the decision of official Baku. Following this, mutual accusations were launched in the official and unofficial propaganda media of both countries and arrests of believers began in Azerbaijan.

During this period, Azerbaijani student Farid Safarli was also arrested in Iran on charges of espionage. What has changed in the policy of the two countries that they are now conducting joint tactical exercises?

Ex-diplomat Nahid Jafarov answers these and other questions from ASTNA.

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Question: Official reports about the simultaneous tactical exercises by the Azerbaijani and Iranian armies on the border with Nakhchivan have caused surprise. Relations between the two countries have been tense in recent years. What's happening? Has the ice between the two countries melted?

Answer: The warming that is being felt in Azerbaijani-Iranian relations is not accidental at all. There are several nuances governing relations between the two countries, and with the activation of one or more of these nuances, the dynamics of interstate relations changes. The factors positively influencing the relations between Iran and Azerbaijan are mainly the following:

a. Authoritarian governance in Azerbaijan - authoritarian governance directly affects the living conditions of people in the country, and as a result, Iran plays the role of a center of education and health for many. It also increases the attractiveness of the Iranian religious regime for the Azerbaijani population. At the same time, the importance of the independent Azerbaijan model for the Turkic population of Iran is decreasing.

b. The negative attitude of the political leadership of Azerbaijan to such ideologies as liberalism and nationalism also has a positive effect on the dynamics of bilateral relations.

A factor negatively affecting relations is the repression carried out by the political authorities against well-known believers who are adherents of the Shiite Tariqa.  It is this factor that has become one of the main causes of tension in recent years.

From time to time, one or another of these factors becomes more active and this affects political relations.

Question: What has changed in the politics of the two countries, for what reason have mutual accusations and threats replaced constructive negotiations?

Answer: Against the background of Azerbaijani-Armenian relations and the Russian-Ukrainian war, Azerbaijan's relations with the West have become extremely tense. The day before, Ilham Aliyev also expressed his opinion on the independence of the Palestinian state, which could lead to an aggravation of relations with Israel, Iran's sworn enemy. On the other hand, Armenia is persistent in attracting the West to the region.  All this gives reason to believe that Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia are strengthening cooperation in order to keep the West out of the region.

Question: The change in relations between the two countries in a positive direction coincided with the visit of US Assistant Secretary of State James O'Brien to Armenia. Isn't this step by Iran a message to Armenia and the West?

Answer: Russia's defeat in Ukraine may become a matter of life and death for the clerical regime in Iran and the government of Ilham Aliyev. If Russia is defeated, it may be forced to leave the Caucasus, and as a result, democratic processes in the South Caucasus may gain even wider scope. It goes without saying that the Iranian mullocracy seeks to prevent the West from entering the region and wants to demonstrate its willingness to use all possible means to do so. And that's exactly the message.

Question: The rapprochement with Iran coincided with the aggravation of Azerbaijan's relations with the West. Can rapprochement with Iran be a message for Azerbaijan to the West?

Answer: The rapprochement of relations between the two countries is a result, not a message.  This is a consequence of the aggravation of relations with the West.

Question: The son of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu shared a map of Kurdistan. And on this map, along with Iran and Türkiye, part of the lands of Azerbaijan was shown as the territory of "Kurdistan". Can this rapprochement be considered official Baku's response to Israel?

Answer: Apparently, the contours of Azerbaijan's foreign policy have been determined in Moscow in recent days. The aggravation of Azerbaijan's relations with the West and the protection of Palestine also correspond to the foreign policy pursued by Russia, or rather by Putin, and not by Azerbaijan. The proposal to warm relations with Iran may also come from Russia.

Question: What will the improvement of Iranian-Azerbaijani relations in general give us? Is this for the benefit or harm of the two countries, especially Azerbaijan?

Answer: The aggravation of relations with any country does not bode well. Normalization of relations is a positive phenomenon. But the issues in the background of this warming are of interest.  If the reason for Azerbaijan's rapprochement with Iran, as already mentioned, is the aggravation of relations with the West, then it does not promise us any positive dividends.

Constitutional crisis

0606: The Declaration of Independence of Armenia, which is included in the Constitution of Armenia, contains territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Therefore, concluding a peace treaty with Azerbaijan without changing the Constitution of Armenia is impossible. This was stated by Head of State Ilham Aliyev  at a meeting with the speakers of the parliaments of the Turkic countries.

1106: During his visit to Germany, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov met with his German counterpart Annalena Berbock. The parties discussed issues of cooperation within the framework of the COP29 climate conference.

1206: Since 2018, the biggest problem in connection with Nagorno-Karabakh has been  a situation when wArmenia inevitably had to go either through concessions or war. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this, speaking in the Armenian parliament. According to Pashinyan, it would be correct to accept this at that time and say that Nagorno-Karabakh should be recognized as an autonomy within Azerbaijan, with the logic that it should be not only Armenian, but also Azerbaijani, with joint governance, he said.

"This practice has been used in Japan, Germany, and also recently in Iraq"

It is quite possible to open communications with Azerbaijan before signing a peace treaty, as well as the delimitation of the border, the Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told local journalists in parliament on June 12. "It is quite possible to form a real world, through practical steps, and then only sign an agreement. But in any case, a peace treaty must be signed," Pashinyan said.

Although the Prime Minister considers the existing text of the draft peace treaty to be quite mature, he also added that it is necessary to clarify some details and bring the document into final form.

As for the condition of the Azerbaijani side on changing the Constitution of Armenia to sign a peace treaty, Pashinyan noted that this step on the part of Baku is aimed at torpedoing the peace process.

On June 11, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Ceyhun Bayramov, at a meeting with his German counterpart Annalena Berbock, stated that the ongoing claims to the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan in the Armenian Constitution are an obstacle to signing a peace agreement.

On June 6, Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev, also referring to the peace agreement with Yerevan, at a meeting with a delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Turkic States said that the conclusion of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan, despite the fact that the current constitution of Armenia remains unchanged, is simply impossible.

The day after that, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia issued a statement stating that it had no territorial claims against any of its neighbors, including Azerbaijan.

Is the Armenian Constitution really an obstacle to peace?

International relations specialist and conflict analyst Elkhan Mehdiyev answers questions from ASTNA on this topic.

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Question: Is the Armenian Constitution really an obstacle to peace?

Answer: Yes, it is. Because the Constitution of Armenia refers to the Declaration of Independence, based on the fictional Great Armenia. This declaration, which led to the occupation of Azerbaijani lands, and the Constitution, which refers to it, must be changed, since they indirectly contain claims on the territories of Azerbaijan and Türkiye.  The laws of the defeated occupying country, which primarily encourage aggression, must be changed. This is what Azerbaijan demands.

Question: The President says that the Armenian Constitution contains territorial claims against Azerbaijan and even Türkiye. Are there such provisions in the Constitution of Armenia?

Answer: As I said, it is in the Declaration of Independence. And the Constitution refers to it.

Question: But the Armenian side does not accept these demands. Pashinyan says that every day is a good opportunity for peace. That is, he declares his readiness to sign a peace agreement. Now the question is, who's bluffing? Is it the Armenian or the Azerbaijani side?

Answer: No, the point is as follows.  Azerbaijan defeated Armenia and drove the aggressor out of the country. Now it requires the removal of articles directed against the territories of Azerbaijan from its laws, the concept of national security, military doctrine, as well as the Declaration of Independence provided for by the Constitution.  This is a worldwide practice, and it has been used against both Japan and Germany, as well as more recently in Iraq. Azerbaijan demands the removal of all legal barriers that can hinder peace. This is our legitimate demand.  Armenia can sign a peace agreement. But if all these articles remain in all these laws, then the Constitutional Court (if the rule of law is respected in Armenia) may reject them.

Question: There is an opinion that even if the Constitution changes in Armenia, the Azerbaijani side will look for other excuses not to sign the peace. Why? Doesn't Azerbaijan want peace?

Answer: Azerbaijan's position is correct.  He seeks a long-term and eternal permanent peace, and this provision is one of the principles set out in the peace treaty. That is, with the obligation not to have territorial claims in the future.

Question: Is there pressure on Azerbaijan not to sign peace right now? Is the role of third forces possible here and for what purpose?

Answer: Currently, relations between Russia and Armenia are tense, and Russia wants its role in signing the peace treaty to be dominant and, in a certain sense, to act as a guarantor. And from this point of view, it has an impact.  This largely concerns the Armenian-Russian relations. But since Azerbaijan's relations with Russia are friendly, it does not consider it acceptable to act against Russia's will in this historical period.

Question: What steps should the parties take to sign the peace?

Answer:  First of all, it is necessary to remove all obstacles on the path to peace.

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