Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/30.06.22/Turan: Azerbaijan and Iran can jointly restore the historic Khudaferin bridge across the Araz River.  This topic was discussed at a meeting in Baku between the Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan Anar Karimov and the Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Crafts of the Islamic Republic of Iran Seyid Izzatullah Zargami.

According to the Ministry of Culture, the parties highly appreciated the restoration of both Muslim and Christian churches in the historical lands of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation. The parties nopted the high value of the cultural capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Shusha, for the Islamic world, and the importance of joint cooperation in the fight against Islamophobia, which is one of the global problems.

The ministers noted the possibilities of using the experience of Iran in the context of the reconstruction and restoration work carried out in Karabakh. They also  discussed  the issue of signing a Memorandum of Understanding for the joint restoration of the Khudaferin bridge; and exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.

Khudaferin bridges were built in the early Middle Ages near the villages of Kumlak and Khudaferin, the territory of the modern Jabrayil region of Azerbaijan

One of the bridges, 15-span, is in working condition and pedestrian traffic is possible on it. The second, 11-span, is in a ruined state - only three middle spans have survived. From summer 1993 to autumn 2020 this section of the Azerbaijani-Iranian border was under Armenian occupation. The Azerbaijani army liberated these territories during the 44-day war in the fall of 2020. --06B--

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