Baku/30.09.23/Turan: The European Union is currently in the process of assessing the situation in the South Caucasus region, particularly in the former Nagorno-Karabakh, and has not made any decisions regarding potential sanctions against Azerbaijan, according to a statement by Peter Stano, the official representative of the Foreign Policy Service of the European Union. This announcement comes in response to calls from Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) urging the EU to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan in light of developments in Karabakh.

Armenia's appeal to the European Union on September 30 highlights the need for assistance in managing the influx of Armenian residents who have left Karabakh in the wake of recent developments. The situation in the region remains complex and volatile, with significant demographic shifts and security concerns.

The EU's cautious approach to the issue reflects the delicate diplomatic balance that must be maintained in the South Caucasus. As the European Union evaluates its response to the ongoing developments, the global community continues to watch closely, aware of the potential implications for regional stability and peace.

The situation in the former Nagorno-Karabakh, marked by the recent dissolution of the separatist regime and the change in the geopolitical split of forces, creates numerous problems for all parties involved. The role of the European Union in this developing situation is of great importance, and its reaction is likely to determine the course of events in the South Caucasus in the coming months.--0--

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