Fazil Gasimov Continues Hunger Strike

Fazil Gasimov Continues Hunger Strike

Fazil Gasimov, a doctoral student at Istanbul University, has been on a hunger strike in detention for 91 days, protesting against his "illegal detention." According to his brother, Nazim Gasimov, Fazil's  health remains extremely serious. "He could die at any moment. Despite our pleas, he is not changing his decision. The next court hearing for Fazil is scheduled for September 19. He has stated that he will continue the hunger strike until all his requests are met," Nazim Gasimov said.

Nazim also mentioned that conversations between Fazil Gasimov and his lawyers are being overheard in the medical facility, and his written appeals are being confiscated.

*Fazil Gasimov, held in the medical unit of Baku's Pre-Trial Detention Center No. 1, was transferred to the Penitentiary Service's sanatorium on the night of July 26 due to a sharp deterioration in his health caused by the hunger strike.

Gasimov was arrested in Istanbul on August 8, 2023, and transported to Azerbaijan, where he was charged with counterfeiting money along with economist Gubad Ibadoglu, under Article 204.3.1 of the Criminal Code. Currently, Fazil Gasimov's criminal case is being processed separately from that of Gubad Ibadoglu.

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