A.Pashazadeh: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) serves certain political interests
(Interview of the head of the Caucasian Muslims Department (CMD) Sheikh Allahshukur Pashazade with Turan agency)
Q: What issues were discussed at a recent conference in Iran?
Answer: A special feature of this event was that it was held not in Tehran, the political center of Iran, but in the religious center, the city of Qum. I would like to note, that for the first time, without exception, all Islamic leaders and activists, expressed deep concern about the events in the Muslim world. Although this reaction is, of course, was late. When there was an ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis in Nagorno-Karabakh, the occupation of Azerbaijan’s lands, mass murder, destruction of the mosque, I called on the Islamic countries to raise their voices in protest. Then I did not notice such a unity.
Today's terrorists called "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" turned into a threat not only to Muslims, but of all mankind. For the first time the representatives of all trends of Islam from all countries recognized the threat of ISIL to all.
Q: What is the cause of such extreme, radical trends?
Answer: The roots of this should be found not in religion, but in the world politics, and clash of political interests. When the world's leading centers of power, want to see themselves hegemony, they take to the stage groups serving those interests.
The names may change - today it is "ISIL", yesterday - "Al Qaeda", and tomorrow something the third. Only the mission of these forces remains the same. In the "Islamic belt" from Tunisia to Pakistan's reign terror and bloodshed. The rest of the world only watches the events, but these forces carry out not religious, but political will.
Question: If we assume that what is happening is done by the enemies of Islam, then why Muslims are involved in all this, while others allow such a thing?
Answer: The main purpose of all this is to prevent the spread of Islam. For if the Islamic world is in chaos, bloodshed, it gives rise to some argue that this is religion. They try to present Islam as an expression of revenge, enmity, and hatred.
This is also the guilt of leaders of Islamic countries, as well as ill-considered actions and statements by religious leaders of several countries. However, today ISIL: is a threat not only to Muslims. They do not make a distinction between Muslims and Christians, cutting out everybody. For this reason, not only Islamic countries, but also the Christian states must unite against extremism.
Q: What is the reason for this sharp increase in terrorist forces?
Answer: I do not think that ISIL or any other terrorist group is so strong that they cannot not be won. It is hard to believe that five of six states, have united, and cannot liberate the city of Cobán from the hands of several hundred terrorists. Apparently, someone is interested in it.
It is also hard to believe that what is happening in Syria and Iraq is done only by one terrorist group.
In any case, the Muslim countries must work together to fight back all those extremists who spots Islam. In this regard, the meeting participants in Iran decided to continue such activities, and a similar conference will be held in Egypt in December 4, and on 23 December in Saudi Arabia.
In all Muslim countries should be created "immunity" in the form of public condemnation of extremism and radicalism.
Q: What is the situation on this background in Azerbaijan? Why is the Azerbaijani youth also fighting in the ISIL?
Answer: The situation in Azerbaijan can be considered normal. Although, after the destruction of the Soviet regime, various religious forces rushed to Azerbaijan under the guise of charitable societies. Under the pretext of serving Islam, they have built 72 mosques in the country. However, these mosques served not a common unity and inciting hatred, but caused confrontation of different schools of thought (trends.) But thank goodness, the state and the religious community has identified the essence of these destructive processes, and they have been prevented. The country avoided the tragedy. Specialrole in this belongs to the policy of advocacy of religious tolerance, but all, from the political leadership to ordinary citizens, must not lose vigilance. Supporters of terrorism and religious schism influence young people, so it is necessary to strengthen outreach to young people.
The fact remains that when the events in Syria began, many Azerbaijanis participated in the fighting on the side of ISIL. Subsequently, however, due to certain formal and informal efforts and resources, this process has been prevented. There is also a fault of families that young people fall under the influence of radical forces. Some people try to justify the participation of their children in Syria by participation in the "jihad", but it is fundamentally the wrong approach.
Q: How to eradicate terrorist groups?
Answer: Only religious figures or only states alone cannot fight against it. It is the task of all.
It will be impossible to fight terror, if some support it , and others fight against it.
Interviewed Tofig Turkel
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