Arif Əliyev

Arif Əliyev


- Arif bey, first of all, we congratulate you on your 60th anniversary.

- Thank you!

- Can we call you an age-old journalist now, or do you still have enough energy to work and create?

- The age-old one would be oak, would be a mountain. Man can only grow old if he is lucky because there are many options of destiny. As for energy, I'm still getting ready to go to work but let me tell you what I’d already done today: I looked at my mail in the morning, corresponded with a few friends abroad, worked on materials for the website, worked on a new book, went to the sea with a dog (bathed), watered garden, I gathered figs and grapes to give to my mother on the way. The main problem with age is not the weakness of the body but the weakening of the spirit.

- You have probably dedicated 40 years of these 60 years to journalism and the Azerbaijani media. It's very interesting. You have seen both the Soviet press and the post-independence media. When was it more difficult for you to work as a journalist? In terms of media freedom and the conditions created for it.

- It is more difficult to work now. Our profession is such that we are connected to society from our aorta to our smallest capillaries. The value of the word, its public resonance is our criterion. The earlier stages of our activity - the last days of the Soviet government and the first periods of our independence - were in full swing, there was a hunger for information, and in such an environment, smart words and different opinions were immediately attracting attention. Daily circulations were measured in the hundreds of thousands - this stimulus, the support of readers and viewers was giving us strength and enthusiasm. Now “the society is not even startled with the cannon shot", and journalists expect honorary titles more from the government, not from it! I would not say that the root of the problem is freedom of speech or excessive information. In reality, the hunger for information is no less felt than before but it seems that the "stomachs" are deteriorated and values are lost.

- How does Arif Aliyev see the Azerbaijani media? Do you consider the activity of the Azerbaijani media in recent years satisfactory?

- I compare the state of the Azerbaijani media with a balloon released into the air with its mouth open: its trajectory can be observed with the naked eye but it is impossible to catch it with the hand. Pay attention - in fact, the government has been looking for a way to deal with the media for a long time; however, neither the government can regulate this media properly nor the self-regulatory mechanisms work. If it had worked, neither the Press Council would frequently ask for legal powers nor society is capable of directing our journalism. Reason? Everyone sees the media as an ideological tool, it is completely forgotten that it is a specific market element. We cannot control a virus of ühich nature we have not fully understood, how can we manage such a complex social institution of which nature we do not understand?

- What are the shortcomings? Is there no professional staff? Are there no conditions? Or are financial shortcomings too many?

- Separately, to one degree or another, we have all the necessary resources. The shortcoming is in the way of thinking and approach - we can't match the things we have correctly. Our tongue has been wounded by talking about media freedom, journalistic responsibility, and professionalism. We cannot attain what we aim. And we will not. Because thoughts on the political freedom of the media, which does not have economic independence and a healthy competitive environment, including thoughts on the responsibility and professionalism of the media, are just fantasy. You have asked such an important question, about the answer to which we can talk up to the 70th anniversary. As we have been talking for 20 years. A small example. Authorities have repeatedly stated that journalists can be given greater freedom if they improve their professionalism. There is no environment or incentive for this! What is professionalism? Unlike talent, it is not an abstract concept, but a "commodity" with specific parameters! A person strives or should strive for professionalism in order to gain a position, reputation, and income through the assessment of his/her abilities. Today, journalists can gain a position, reputation, and income through completely different things. What media does not know that according to professional rules it is obliged to include the opinion of the person it criticizes, or which journalist does not know that it is inadmissible to call a person a criminal without a court decision, regardless of his/her position, political or other views? Everyone knows, but most of them behave differently, and when you talk about their mistake, they add you to the group of others. Why? Because in this way, he/she protects the workplace and provides a livelihood.

- How is it that some media executives in Azerbaijan live like oligarchs, and some do not even have the opportunity to buy a computer in the office? What is the reason for this economic inequality in the media?

- It seems that our ideas about the media have become much simpler! In fact, it is strange that someone who can't afford a computer in the office decides to create a media outlet. How can you drive without buying or renting a car? Today, new technologies provide ample opportunities for anyone who wants to express themselves. But the media is a complex mechanism, not taking a stick without thinking about solving economic, technical, broadcasting, and personnel problems. However, I understand what your question is about. I understand who you mean when you say "oligarchic media executive" or "those who can't afford a computer". The reason for this "inequality" is the sum of all the factors we have just mentioned.

- How can the main problems of the media be solved today? Let's listen to the advice of a 60-year-old elder who has dedicated 40 years of his life to the media. Maybe "they" can hear it too.

- "They", i.e. those who have the authority to make decisions aimed at solving problems, know the real situation and are aware of our views on ways out of it. The society has heard them many times. I would like to add one thing: just as it is impossible to build communism in a separate country, it is impossible to ensure rapid development in a separate field, such as journalism. One end of it is related to economic reforms, the other end is related to changes in public relations. This, of course, is not advice to anyone else, this is just my opinion based on my own life experience.

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