Khadija Ismailova: Provocations are prepared in the presidential administration and the MNS

A columnist  of the  Azerbaijani radio "Freedom", Khadija Ismailova,  was summoned to the Prosecutor Office. In an interview with Turan she said in particular :

"A man called me, and introduced himself as an investigator of the Investigation Department for Serious Crimes of the Prosecutor General Office. I do not remember his name. He said that a lawsuit was filed.  When I asked what was the reason for the lawsuit, and he said  because of distribution material on Facebook. Then I asked whether a lawsuit was filed on the  fact of or against a particular person. He replied that on fact, Article 284 ( distribution of documents constituting a state secret.)

Then I asked him –“so it comes out that you have determined that the document  is actually a state secret? The investigator told me to come and talk about it. Then I asked him to send an official summons. He asked why I so aggressive?

He asked for my address. I replied that I repeatedly sent letters in connection with the crime committed against in 2012. I sent you many letters to consider inaction of Baku prosecutor in my case. I would like to get an answer  on what stage is my case due to the interference in my personal life and blackmail. In those letters my address was noted. Go and see my letters and take my address. May be at the same time  you will read my  complaints.

He replied that he wanted to talk to me in a good way, and solve the question amicably. I replied that the most respectful option is to solve the problem according to the law. I find it interesting that  they know my cell phone number, and do not know  my address."

Asking the question whether it was true that the document was published by me and for what purpose, she replied that she does not know whether this  paper is a document. "It was sent to me at the end of 2011. A person who shad sent it  used to work for  the Ministry of National Security (MNS.) Then I told him that I could not verify the authenticity of the document. I have no wish to slander anyone. For this reason, I did not publish a document. Even publishing it now, I deleted the name and details in order not to defame a person. Why did I do it now?

Because that day on ANS TV channel a  representative of the  MNS very seriously talked about serving motherland, about the activity of the intelligence and counterintelligence. However, this paper shows how ineffectively taxpayers' money is spent. 

If the authenticity of the document is proved, it is a great shame and scandal.

Is the Azerbaijani opposition an industry  of an enemy that they sent spies there? Now it turned out that before being sent to me in 2011, the document  had been published in Facebook. That is not news.

Unfortunately,  then  the document was published in the clear. However, if the prosecutor's office  files a lawsuit, calls this information a document, and regards it a serious state secret, then see what does our MNS," she said.

The journalist does not exclude that she may be arrested because the authorities consider  her  investigations a serious headache.

Ismailova is  sure  that defamatory materials against her on various sites are written by the order by authorities - the presidential administration and the MNS. Unfortunately, some  media who call themselves the opposition are involved in it, said Ismailova. -03C04-             


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