Mehman Huseynov: "From day to day I am waiting for my arrest"

The law enforcement authorities implement the political order, arresting the most active users of social networks, said  the blogger Mehman Huseynov in an interview with Objective TV.

According to him, all the young activists were arrested on concocted charges: drug possession,  an attempted  of coup, or storage of explosives.

The most absurd accusation  has been brought against Ilkin Rustamzade, hooliganism during the dance "Harlem Shake" in a public place and disobeying police.

"I was too close to him and  was performing a dance at that moment for  videos. This dance is popular all over the world,  and recently the  members of the government youth organization "IRELI" also dance  it in a much more crowded place , but they were not arrested,  and even encouraged. The motif for the  arrest of  Rustamzade  is his  popularity and activity in Facebook,» noted blogger.

Huseynov  has already been brought to justice as a witness in many trials. Investigator  in the case of the activists  of NIDA Movement also asked questions regarding the objectives of video footage  of  the "Harlem Shake".

According to the blogger, the authorities have exhausted  their fantasy about charges against youth activists. So, a few years ago, all those arrested were declared hooligans, drug addicts, or Islamists, and terrorists.

Then t  it became  "fashionable" to "overthrow the government"; now it is vogue to use the charge  "disobeying the police."

The authorities  obtain temporary "victories"  after the arrest of bloggers  the activity in local networks  reduces, but in a couple of weeks, it becomes even greater. "I am also waiting for my arrest everyday,   nd once I was made an official warning," Huseynov said. --17D—


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