Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine inform about the complaints of local Azerbaijanis

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: We support Azerbaijan's territorial integrity within the internationally recognized borders

Interstate relations between Azerbaijan and Ukraine are multifaceted and constantly exposed to exam by time challenges. Our countries are united by the struggle against separatism in their territories, while at the same time, foreign policy vectors of Azerbaijan and Ukraine are apart. Ukraine is home to a large Azerbaijani Diaspora, as well as Azerbaijan is historically the residence of ethnic Ukrainians. These and other relevant topics were the basis of questions sent by RadioAzadlyg the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry. Press-service of the agency promptly sent a letter, beginning with the words: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine considered your request for information and within the competence of the authorities we inform ...".

In a letter to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry the Turan news agency mentioned recently published in the Azerbaijani media examples of harassment, beatings  of Ukrainian businessmen of Azerbaijani origin. In particular,  on 21 September it was reported that " in Ukraine unidentified persons kidnapped another Azerbaijani businessman. This was reported in the United Congress of Azerbaijanis in Ukraine. "Kidnapped is a resident of Kiev, a 38- years-old entrepreneur named Ilgar. Criminals claimed that the abducted is still alive and  not any demands have been  yet put forward for his release. It should be noted, more than 20 Azerbaijani businessmen and their children were kidnapped in Ukraine over the past two years. In addition, the cases of attacks on well-known Azerbaijanis have become often. On September 14 the Azerbaijanis living in Ukraine held a protest outside the Interior Ministry building in Kiev, demanded from the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov to clarify the situation. Azerbaijani Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov appealed to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko in connection with crimes against Azerbaijanis," Azerbaijani media reported.

Turan; Will  any  measures be taken to  protect life and property of Azerbaijanis living and working in Ukraine?

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: The answer to this question is outside the scope of competence of the Foreign Ministry. At the same time, according to our information, taking into account the concerns of the Azerbaijani side, recently dialogue between the General Prosecutor's Office and the Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan has intensified. For its part, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, within its competence is considering all statements regarding unlawful appeal  to the  citizens of the Azerbaijan Republic, which come from the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Ukraine.

Turan; How does the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry assess the Azerbaijani-Ukrainian intergovernmental relations in the light of the official recognition by Baku the  territorial integrity of Ukraine including Crimea, as well as taking into account Azerbaijan's close and friendly relations with Russia?

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: The existing Ukrainian-Azerbaijani relations, both in the political as well as in other areas, have a strategic partnership. The current year is characterized by the active dynamics of bilateral dialogue. In this context it noteworthy  the official visit of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in Azerbaijan and the Fifth Meeting of the Council of Presidents of Ukraine and Azerbaijan (13-14 July).

The Ukrainian side is grateful for the consistent support of  Azerbaijan the  sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, in particular, for the support of the UN GA resolution "Territorial integrity of Ukraine" dated March 27, 2014. We hope that Azerbaijan will continue to adhere to a firm position on this issue.

As for the Azerbaijani-Russian cooperation, each country has the right to develop bilateral cooperation on the basis of its national interests.

Turan; Ukraine wants to become a member of the European Union, with the ensuing economic, trade and customs conditions. Does Ukraine's membership in the EU will  aggravate  the Ukrainian-Azerbaijani economic relations?

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: European integration continues to be uncontested in the foreign policy of our country as the only effective model of democratic and legal state. We expect to complete the process of ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. At the same time, in spite of the unfinished ratification process, certain provisions of the Agreement are applied on a provisional basis from 1 November 2014, and from January 1, 2016 began to be applied  the provision of the  Agreement a on creating deep and comprehensive free trade area (FTA) with the EU. Within the framework of the FTA sides began a gradual trade liberalization (reduction of import duties in accordance with their schedules.)

In particular, the Ukrainian producers, as well as European, have been actively used in the framework of preferential trade between the EU and Ukraine.

Benefits of the FTA for the Ukrainian producers:

- Access to one of the largest, most powerful and most secure global markets;

- Competition on equal terms, and increase of exports to one of the most important trade partner of Ukraine;

- Increase in number of potential consumers of Ukrainian products;

- New partners and diversification of export flows to minimize the risks in case of impossibility of access to certain markets of CIS countries;

- Simplification of processes  of attracting technology and innovative solutions that are implemented in the EU;

- Reduction of non-tariff barriers to agricultural trade in the framework of cooperation in the field of sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures;

- Improving access to high-quality imported machinery, seeds, plant protection products, etc.;

- Preservation of sovereignty in the definition and implementation of foreign policy.

Ukraine  is taking all possible measures aimed at the use of the potential benefits of the FTA, including as an effective tool for internal structural changes. The Association Agreement is, in fact, the reform program for Ukraine in the coming years, which  does  not  affect the economic relations with other countries, including Azerbaijan.

Turan; What is the Ukrainian government's position on the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,  on  the  long struggle against Armenian separatists in Karabakh?

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: Ukraine has consistently been advocating for a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the principles of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders. Ukraine does not recognize the so-called "Parliamentary elections" (3 May, 2015) and the so-called 'Elections to the local self-government"(13 September, 2015) in Nagorno-Karabakh. In both cases, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement which clearly states that "Ukraine does not recognize the so-called "Elections" in Nagorno-Karabakh. The results of these "elections" may not have any legal consequences. Ukraine has consistently advocated a peaceful settlement of the Republic of Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on the principles of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders."

Azerbaijani readers can familiarize  with the statement of the MFA of Ukraine on the following links:

- Http://;

- Http://

The comment of  Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry in connection with the aggravation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on 5 April, 2016  expressed strong support for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Today, restoration of territorial integrity is also a duty for the Ukrainian people as a result of military aggression of Russia against Ukraine and the continuing occupation of  the part of Ukrainian territory. On October 3, 2016, in Ukraine were officially registered 1.696. 697 IDPs.

Turan; What is the principled position f Ukraine regarding the Armenian allegations against Turkey and the Armenian government's approval of a perfect 1915 "Armenian genocide"?

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: Ukraine has not recognized the tragic events of 1915 in the Ottoman Empire as genocide of the Armenian people. We believe that this matter is subject to an objective investigation of the open joint Turkish-Armenian commission of historians to be established.

Turan agency thanks the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and wished the Ukrainian state and the Ukrainian people welfare and prosperity.

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