Mubariz Gurbanly: Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs operates medieval methods

Showing on TV  the detention of  Azerbaijani Orkhan Zeynalo, bringing him to the Interior Minister and other steps are unacceptable, it is a violation of the presumption of innocence. This is a flagrant violation of Russian legislation and international conventions, said Mubariz Gurbanli, deputy executive secretary of the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan ", the deputy of the Parliament,  in an interview with "Voice of America.".

He called the  such treatment  with Zeynalov "methods of the Middle Ages ."

According to him, some people in Russia want to use the situation against the Azerbaijanis.

"This is the hand of the Armenians. There  are evidences  of Armenians in the attacks on Azerbaijanis’ objects  in  Biryulevo," he said.

According to Gurbanly, Russia is undergoing an ideological crisis, nationalism , which is one of the pillars of power, prospers there. The Russian authorities used the arrest Zeynalova , as a demonstration of the fight against crime, said Gurbanly .

The political and ideological crisis in Russia, the economic difficulties incite nationalism. "This is a dangerous path. Pressure on workers can turn a big trouble for Russia," said Gurbanly.

He also said that similar events  used to take pace in the past, and he does not think that all  Azerbaijanis will return to Azerbaijan.

Gurbanly  added that relations between Russia and Azerbaijan are friendly. "Our Diaspora organizations in Russia are very strong. The efforts of our government , intergovernmental relations will not allow the interested powers to abuse the situation," said Gurbanly. -03B-  


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