Sh. Huduoglu: criminal case against Qanun is an order

Baku/05.03.14/Turan : The Director of the publishing house Qanun Shahbaz Khuduoglu considers unreasonable the fine of 150,000 AZN imposed by the Ministry of Taxes on this publisher and the magazine Qanun.
" I do not know where they got those figures," said Khuduoglu in an interview with Objective TV.
The Preliminary Investigations Department of the Ministry of Taxes instituted criminal proceedings against the publisher and the magazine under Article 213 (tax evasion).
On November 1, 2013 about 20 employees of the Ministry of Taxes and officers in plainclothes raided the publishing house and seized the documents and computers.
Khuduoglu considers unreasonable the requirement to pay 150 thousand manats. "I may be arrested. It aims to suspend the activities of the publishing house," said Khuduoglu.
"Someone wants to bankrupt the publishing house to monopolize the field of publishing .

We carry out all legally required tax liabilities," said Khuduoglu .
He also pointed out that during the elections Qanun lawfully printed promotion materials for the opposition presidential candidate Jamil Hasanli .

"90 % of our work is the publication of books. We publish books by Nobel Prize winners and world bestsellers. And we cannot think of printing any anti-state books," said Khuduoglu.
Around a hundred people working with the publishing house Qanun have been summoned for investigation. Among them are well-known writers, including Chingiz Abdullayev and Abbas Abdullah.

The investigation calls for many hours of questioning even technical workers and forces them to testify against the management.

According to Khuduoglu, writers will gather in the Writers' Union and will appeal to the relevant authorities to put an end to the pressure on Qanun. -03B06 -

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