Siyavush Novruzov: experts know how to block comments on social networks

At the autumn session Azerbaijani Parliament  will toughen penalties for violations of the law,  disclosure of state and military secrets, misinformation about the army, said in an interview with "Voice of America"​ deputy executive secretary of the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan" , Siyavush Novruzov.

He explained that the tightening  by the fact that  under the occupation of the country  and when the country is in a state of war, "the media should not disseminate information about the army from unknown sources, and even more misinformation."

Asking the question what will be penalties, Novruzov said:  "There are crimes when it is reasonable to apply the fines, than to imprison."

These penalties should be increased by 2-3 times, he said.  Referring to social networking Novruzov noted the need to find out the person has affixed a comment.

"Sometimes  it is unclear who wrote it -  the Armenian, or someone abroad, conducting anti-Azerbaijan activity.   In world practice, there is a rule to write  comments   after entering data identification, " he said, without specifying what kind of law and in which country.

"The state  must know people writing and commenting on the publication of the military, intelligence,  counter-intelligence activities of the army, including  records  and comments read by thousands of people, and the reader n must know who they are - a citizen of Azerbaijan, Armenian,  or foreigner " Novruzov said.

Then what  to do with the world of social networks, which are not controlled from Azerbaijan?  Novruzov could not  answer this question, noting that "this  is the matter  of experts."

According to him, from the inside it is possible automatically block such information. "We  must know who comments from abroad," said Novruzov, and could not answer the question, what if the laws of that country do not require identification to register to write a comment.

Justifying his strategy  Novruzov cited the experience of the United States, where, after the September 11 attacks "all the information in the media and social networks was suspended, and the message began to spread only through data by  Pentagon."

According to Novruzov, the new amendments should not bother people, it should  concern  those  who are involved  in provocation.—03C-

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