


- You have created a new human rights organization. Where did the need to create this organization come from? Was there a need to create such a human rights organization?

 Rüfət Səfərov - I have been thinking about this question for a long time. When I was a political prisoner, I made a decision that after my release from prison I would systematically provide services in the field of human rights protection. The main reason for this is that I have seen with my own eyes inhuman, degrading behavior against prisoners in temporary detention facilities, remand prisons, prisons, even in my own skin. In other words, the torture and persecution shown to me during my illegal arrest fully justified my decision. Currently, there are very serious needs in this area. If to compare, there is a significant number of citizens in the country whose rights and freedoms are violated. The number of human rights organizations, as well as lawyers, is not enough. Considering that some human rights defenders were forced to leave the country because of persecution and pressure from the government, we can clearly see that serious problems in this area have taken root. At the same time, Azerbaijan has the lowest rates in terms of the number of lawyers per capita. There are 9.5 lawyers for every 100 thousand people. This is by 17 times less than the European average (162 lawyers). Among 1783 members of the Bar very few lawyers conscientiously and professionally protecting the rights of citizens, especially those under political persecution, in litigation, preliminary investigation. On the contrary, in many cases the majority of lawyers act as an extension of the prosecution, while many human rights defenders are holding the hands and pockets of power. Therefore, as fighters for a fair trial, we consulted with friends in conditions of a disdain for the official legal policy of the right to defense, paralysis of the institution of the legal profession. There is not necessary basis for the activities of human rights organizations, human rights and freedoms; therefore, we have established a human rights organization "Defense Line". We understand that we adhered to what the Azerbaijani authorities did not accept. Let us see how this happens ...

I have already received my first official notification by calling the General Prosecutor's Office. However, I believe that we will be persistent in the line that we adhere to.

- There are human rights organizations and human rights defenders in Azerbaijan. True, in recent years, many of them have been forced to move abroad and work there. Nevertheless, there are human rights defenders and organizations in the country. Why did you decide to act in this direction? Do you think there are gaps in this area? If the activity in this area is satisfactory, how will your activity differ from others?

-In Azerbaijan and in emigration there are human rights defenders who do their job with dignity, successfully work with the local and international community, with reliable political and legal centers specializing in human rights. But deepening of repression, persecution of people for political meetings, massive criminal and administrative prosecution without legal reasons or grounds, unsatisfactory defense mechanisms,  forced us, human rights defender Rashid Hajil, human rights defender Alaif Hasanov, public activist Zaur Akbari, journalist Tazahan Miralamli, public activist Saiga Rustamli and me, to declare  A “Defense Line”.

- What will be main line of your activity? Whom will you work with? How will you establish cooperation with international organizations? Will you cooperate with the government?

- The "Defense Line" was created to protect and support human rights in Azerbaijan, to help ensure the rule of law. At the same time, our goals are to hold free and fair elections in the country, ensure separation of powers, ensure government accountability and transparency, develop civil society, increase civic engagement, and strengthen the ruling society. Monitoring and documenting human rights violations, legal assistance and other support in litigation related to human rights violations, providing psychological assistance to persons who have suffered serious offenses, and material support for their most urgent needs constitute our activities to organize fundraising and assistance. The basis of our activity will be the regular preparation of reports on the state of human rights, bringing them to the attention of both domestic government and civilized public structures, citizens, and international structures interested in ensuring human rights. As for cooperation with governments, its structures implementing legal policy, I note that we are interested in close cooperation with law enforcement agencies, as well as the Ombudsman, in order to mitigate the current repressive conditions in the country, release innocent persons, end violent persecution, and bring about positive changes in the current state of human rights.

- You yourself were an employee of the prosecutor's office, and then a political prisoner. However, your father was one of the supporters of the current government. From time to time, your activities caused disagreements with your father. By the way, your activity, your work in the prosecutor's office, as well as being the son of Eldar Sabiroglu, irritated the authorities. Now can you imagine that you will face pressure from your father or authority because of this activity? Did they start giving you any messages because of your current activities?

- Five years ago, on December 20, 2015, after leaving the prosecutor's office, I thought that things would not go well. I did not predict that I would be arrested 3 times in a row. Because it would be naive to present separately the fate of a lawyer who denies the legal policy of the current government. The important thing is that the line we hold does not harm persistence, even if it causes concern. I am sure that my friends and I do not have any prejudices, abilities for individual subjects of power; there are just contradictions between the government and us in the legal approach. Yes, officials clearly give preference to legal nihilism, that is, they deny freedoms, the law, and norms. The position of the “Defense Line” is that the law should be explained in accordance with the theory of liberal law. The set of rules and regulations providing for equal freedom and justice for every person  should be really worked out, in particular, the recognition of freedom of expression, elections, free assembly, in many cases applicable lynch proceedings must give their full place to justice. With the aim of supporting the Armed Forces, after a mass march on July 14-15, we took control of the legal status of prisoners, transferred generalizations and reports to local and international communities and centers, studied information about torture, inhuman the treatment of political prisoners, degrading behavior, was studied and evaluated by international humanitarian organizations. We brought to the attention of the Ombudsman and the General Prosecutor's Office.  I have noted one of the official responses of our short-term activities. The Prosecutor General's Office allegedly officially warned me to avoid breaking the law. Another one is even more terrible - on the facebook page of the youth association of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party,  Ard-Ard reminded me  three times  about the former human rights activist Oktay Gyulaliyev,  about threat to life. It means that Oktay Gyulalyev is the victim of a conspiracy, and not of car accident, which occurred due to negligence.

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