-Stefan Schennach, co-rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the monitoring of Azerbaijan, President of the European Council of the European Union Donald Tusk, CE Commissioner for Human Rights Dunya Miyatovich arrived in Azerbaijan almost one after another. Do you think the almost simultaneous arrival of these officials is an accident? Or is the intensity of such visits explained by something important that is happening in Azerbaijan?
-"I don"t think that the intensity of these visits is related to any one reason." In all likelihood, the visits were adjusted to the schedule of the Azerbaijani authorities. The visit of the Commissioner of the Council of Europe on human rights to Azerbaijan was scheduled for May, but this meeting was canceled. The CE Co-rapporteur on Monitoring Schennach"s visit was also scheduled for an earlier date and was also rescheduled. The reason for this was the series of events held, including the Formula 1 competition. Therefore, the visit time has been changed. As for the change in the time of the visit of Donald Tusk, I do not possess information about this. That is, it is connected with the question of organization. However, the important moments of the visit of European officials to Azerbaijan are connected with serious problems that still exist. The visit of the Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as the visit of both co-rapporteurs, both on monitoring and the planned visit of the co-rapporteur on political prisoners are related to the problems in Azerbaijan. That is, a monitoring committee is created in the countries CE-members when there arise problems regarding the CE criteria. If these problems are not fundamentally solved, regular monitoring of the process is organized, and reports are prepared as a result of this. There is not serious progress in regard with the human rights situation in Azerbaijan, and the obligations undertaken by the country to the Council of Europe. The visit of Donald Tusk to the region was expected. There is very little time left until the end of his tenure in this position. Their visits in this format are more based on the desire to get more successful results. During his final statement on the visit to Georgia, he expressed opinion on the changes that occurred in this country. This is a kind of message to countries such as Azerbaijan, wishing to integrate into the EU, the European community needs to achieve this kind of success. It is quite probable that within the framework of this visit the EU is exploring the possibilities of some kind of progress in the negotiation process regarding a cooperation agreement between the EU and Azerbaijan.
-Did you attend meetings with these officials during your visit? What topics worried them more during these meetings?
- Of course, they were most interested in such issues as the presence or absence of changes after their previous visits in the field of freedom of expression, assembly, human rights situation, creating an atmosphere for the activities of civil society, opportunities for media structures, in total with freedoms in Azerbaijan, as well as the presence or absence of any activity of the authorities in connection with these freedoms. In addition, the situation with political prisoners continues to be relevant. Official representatives of the Council of Europe wished to meet with political prisoners. The monitoring co-rapporteur Schennach was not given such an opportunity, but the Commissioner for Human Rights was able to meet with Afghan Muhtarly and Seymour Hazy. They were more interested in the issues of compliance with the reality of the political statements of the Azerbaijani government on the "development" in the country and how this is assessed by various representatives of society. To some extent this is their job. They periodically make such visits and prepare reports, and then distribute them. In particular, they were interested in the April decree to which the government of Azerbaijan referred in the recent period. This decree allegedly started the deepening of the process of judicial and legal reforms. Some progress in this direction is allegedly stated. These officials are also interested what real steps are taken in this direction. They study it and within this framework appeal to the Azerbaijani authorities.
- Except Dunja Mijatovic, we did not hear any serious statements from other officials regarding the situation of human rights. Are these visits more of a protocol nature, or in fact they are seriously interested in the situation in the country, the situation of civil society, the situation with human rights?
- Here it is necessary to take into account the consistent principles of these officials in previous activities. CE Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović was previously the OSCE"s official representative on media freedom. Consistent integrity in its activities gave rise to an unequivocal confidence in the integrity of its activities. The activities of Mr. Schennach and his expression of reality, as well as the steps and efforts taken accordingly to this reality, unlike other CE functionaries, demonstrate his seriousness in the desire to solve problems in this area. President of the European Council of the EU Donald Tusk also has an important function. I do not think that his visits are of a protocol nature. However, unfortunately, the atmosphere prevailing in the spring, the overcoming of a serious distance in terms of rapprochement between Azerbaijan and the EU and the expectation of signing a document, but this did not happen. The changes that took place on this background in July, that is, the change of leadership in important positions - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Service, the appointment of the Secretary of the Security Council gave rise to serious doubts about the focus of these steps on the European Union. If to look at the appointments and their run-ups, you can see that they do not look like people interested in EU integration. Regarding what measures are being taken in Russia, the visit of the Secretary of the Security Council of Russia to Azerbaijan, reinforce the assumptions about the influence of Moscow on the events here. In this context, the statements of the Azerbaijani side on rapprochement with the EU do not look convincing and are not a message of real steps. According to my information, the government of Azerbaijan in recent times does not particularly demonstrate the distance overcoming with the EU. It seems that the government of Azerbaijan periodically takes some steps, thus demonstrating the seriousness of its intentions. And after a certain time it turns back again. Returning back is tougher than expected steps, and reduces to zero the hopes that had revived. From this point of view, the recent behavior of the Azerbaijani government demonstrates this traditional tactic.
In this case, unfortunately, the real result from the visits of EU officials, and international organizations in general, is the fulfillment of any requests when solving current issues, such as the release of someone, and some nuances in solving simple problems. It turns out that the agenda of these officials include requests for a meager resolution of some problems. Rather, they may bring great requests to the Azerbaijani side to solve the problem, but the steps they take seem to be small positive notes.
-Prior to these meetings, the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, and the Commander-in-Chief of the United NATO Armed Forces, General Tod Walters, met in Baku. How do you assess the fact that the meeting took place precisely this time?
- I think that communication is possible, because it is not the first meeting. If I'm not mistaken, this is the third meeting. And it was convenient and more acceptable for both parties to have the meeting in Azerbaijan. The messages voiced by both parties show that Azerbaijan is trying to build normal relations with both parties. On this basis, a decision was made in favor of holding a meeting in Azerbaijan. I believe that the parties discuss some topics Azerbaijan is interested in, or some important internal issues of Azerbaijan.
- Does the situation of civil society and the human rights situation in Azerbaijan depend on such visits of European officials? Or should the authorities of Azerbaijan wish some changes in this issue?
- The purpose of these meetings, of course, is to show the relevance of the topic, and the parties are considering what the Azerbaijani government sets out is really. Different parties are listened to, and they themselves want to be witnesses of the extent to which these political statements are being carried out in reality.
Naturally, international organizations have only certain legal mechanisms for Azerbaijan. Suppose the Council of Europe has court decisions. The United Nations also has binding court rulings that Azerbaijani authorities must comply with. The UN Human Rights Committee and other committees adopt recommendatory resolutions that the government of Azerbaijan must implement. However, these are certain legal mechanisms. Realization of all this largely depends on the will of the Azerbaijani authorities.
Azerbaijani authorities should not ignore these calls, in order not to face international problems with both the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict and image, trust, etc. If the Azerbaijani government solves these problems, succeeds in resolving human rights and democracy in the country, it will be great achievement.
In this context, the solution of these problems depends on the will of the Azerbaijani authorities. If the government of Azerbaijan shows will, then, naturally, international organizations, in turn, will highly appreciate it, understand the intentions of the government of Azerbaijan, and will show the appropriate attitude.
Unfortunately, the Azerbaijani authorities, taking certain minor measures, are trying to get rid of these calls. I believe that, finally, the government of Azerbaijan must realize that nothing is limitless. Both these appeals and this ignoring also have a limit, and until it is too late yet, the Azerbaijani authorities should understand that time is the biggest competitor of the Azerbaijani state and its interests.
Until we solve the basic problems, they continue to be on the agenda, it will be impossible to ensure the strategic interests of the country.
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