
Q: The images related to personal life has increased recently. First, intimate pictures of blogger Mohammed Mirzali's sister appeared, then videos of the activist Narmin Shahmarzadeh, and now the video of the daughter of opposition leader Jamil Hasanli. What is going on in the country?

Nəsimi MəmmədliAnswer: our country is going through a very difficult and tense period. Sharp geopolitical competition and contradictions of global powers exert their influence in our region as well. And it is possible that foreign forces, which do not digest our military victories in Karabakh and see this as a threat to themselves, are interested in creating tension in our country in various forms.

At the same time, anti-democratic governance in the country creates very favorable conditions for negative influences. For a considerable time, there have been systematic violations of human rights and freedoms. Without hesitation, this decision can be called a crisis of law. Either people cannot ensure their violated rights throughout the country, or they do it with great difficulty. Those who govern, intentionally or out of incompetence, displease citizens with the state.

Although the country has complex legal mechanisms for the protection of rights, in practice it is rather difficult to implement them. State bodies, which must protect civil rights, have also become mainly bodies that carry out political orders from the authorities. Without the supreme will and intervention of the authorities, no human rights are restored.

It is immoral to secretly shoot and then spread the intimate life of people, regardless of their personality, social status, what kind of private life they have chosen and lived, and keep silent about those who create these abominations.

Question: We have witnessed such images and threats before. We can say that this process has started since mid-2000. Ganimat Zahid, Azer Ahmedov, Khadija Ismayilova and many other well-known persons faced this kind of blackmail. However, many of those who were in power at that time, whose names were inclined in this matter, have already been removed from their posts. For example, Eldar Mahmudov, Ali Hasanov, Ramiz Mehdiyev, they are no longer represented in the government. The theory “everything changes for the better”, which the authorities are trying to convince people after the personnel reform, turns out to be tainted again with the help of the old scenario. It turns out that the authorities are again turning to the old methods with new personnel.

Answer: You are right, the appointment of new personnel, unfortunately, did not put an end to such negative situations. Consequently, the problem is more complex and related to systemic policies. As we know, the entire political power of power in Azerbaijan is concentrated in one hands, one center. Therefore, the hopes that the main political line would change with the change of individual staff did not come true either.

Question: But there is one more question. The old methods of blackmail did not bring any good to the authorities. On the contrary, more and more condemnation and criticism came from both the local and the international community for such events taking place inside the country. If the authorities use such methods, do they not take all this into account? Why do they spoil their image again?

Answer: Reproaches and criticism of the authorities in this regard were not enough. I do not agree with the argument that “the old methods of blackmail did not bring anything positive to the authorities.” If this method did not bring anything to the authorities, it would not have lasted for 20 years, and would have disappeared long ago. The method is used to change public opinion in relation to those who go against the government, to generate a negative discussion about social and political authorities in society. Unfortunately, there is still a social environment in society that is sensitive to such events, and encourages those who spread such abominations.

At the same time, we should not just look at exposed facts, images disseminated. Who can argue that there are no such facts, maybe they simply do not spread because the goal has been achieved? Can we say that there are no social and political active persons who change their position, are silent, soften the rhetoric due to blackmail? Of course, time will definitely answer this question. Now it is clear that the disseminated intimate footage is aimed precisely at those who are not being blackmailed and at their loved ones.

Question: Could it be that someone inside the government is trying to muddy the waters in the country? That is, what is happening can be the result of intrigues within the government?

Answer: I do not think this is real, although sometimes such versions are found in public discussions. Not only now, but also there have never been individuals and groups in power who, by themselves, would risk taking such actions, would dare to muddy the waters, weave intrigues. The result of such arbitrary actions during the rule of the Aliyevs would be a tragedy for those who committed these actions.

Attentive observers know that the government has repeatedly used its resources against its political opponents and will continue to do so as long as possible. 16-17 years ago in the Milli Majlis, the chairman of the Popular Front Party, Ali Karimli, was very severely insulted, but the one who insulted him was not only not punished, on the contrary, was awarded the position of the head of the district executive power. In the program “Dolls”, which was broadcast on the TV channel “Leader”, the man who sharply insulted and humiliated the leaders of the opposition was later awarded a deputy mandate. The facts show that such cases do not occur without the knowledge of the authorities.


At one time, opponents of the authorities were openly insulted in the country, and the authorities did not punish anyone for this. It even sometimes seemed that the authorities were satisfied with such insults. As soon as the number of people targeting and insulting the authorities increased abroad, insults against competitors gradually began to weaken inside the country.

Because the opposition does not have the opportunity to shoot such blackmailing videos against the authorities, the authorities consider themselves safe in this matter and are in no hurry to take action against those responsible. Otherwise, such gross violations would be seriously investigated.

Question: The last video was released on the day of the professional holiday of the State Security Service workers. This raises some suspicions. It is believed that someone congratulated the State Security Service with this video. That is, the intra-government intrigue that we talked about. Another version is a show of strength. That is, the security structure demonstrates strength or loyalty. Which of these versions do you think is more reasonable?

Answer: It is possible to speak about which of these versions is real only after the reaction of these structures. It would be wrong to say anything concrete now. The Article 156 of the Criminal Code provides for liability for such cases. If the authorities do not immediately open a criminal case and prosecute those responsible for violation of privacy, then the political nature of the issue will become clear.

Do not forget that the most important task for all law enforcement agencies is to protect the corporate interests of the authorities. Protection of the interests of the state, society, constitutional rights follows corporate interests.

Recently, we have seen a positive change in the image of the State Security Service. For the government agency responsible for the security of the state, this was a very important factor. If this body follows the path of the liquidated MNB, blackmails people with their private life, then a blow will be dealt to the state, the leadership of this body and the citizen.

Q: What steps should the authorities take to ensure the privacy of people in order to avoid such incidents?

Answer: Unfortunately, in our country there are no guarantees of privacy, as well as other fundamental rights. People try to protect themselves from such dangers as alone as they can. We have already repeatedly witnessed that the authorities are unable or unwilling to prevent such negative situations. Responsibility for both cases lies directly with the authorities.

The state is the guarantor of the security and inviolability of every person. The Article 32 of the Constitution of the country gave this right to the citizen. It is not worth waiting for positive changes in the country until free media and an independent civil society open up.



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