Baku Police

Baku Police

On June 27, Farid Hajiyev, Chief of Staff of the Milli Majlis, announced increased restrictions in Azerbaijan as part of preparations for the COP29 global climate conference, scheduled to take place in Baku from November 22-29. The measures affect infrastructure, transport, and security, and are deemed unavoidable.

Azerbaijan has maintained closed land borders since March 2020, citing the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the World Health Organization declaring the pandemic's end on May 5 of last year. This has led to questions from social media users about whether the ongoing restrictions are being used to limit additional freedoms.

Fazil Mustafa, a member of the Milli Majlis Committee on Human Rights, told Turan that the imposition of restrictions for COP29 is reasonable: "It will be an international event with high-level guests, including presidents and prime ministers from various countries. Security must be paramount."

Mustafa added that temporary changes related to infrastructure and its protection might occur: "This will be communicated to the public in a way that is understandable. Government agencies will adjust their activities to meet COP29 requirements."

Mustafa believes the protocols applied to global international events will be implemented in Azerbaijan as well.

However, political commentator Nasimi Mammadli expressed concerns that the Azerbaijani authorities exploit such opportunities to impose further restrictions on society. "During the pandemic, we saw steps taken to restrict freedoms in Azerbaijani society," Mammadli told Radio Azadliq. "Authorities often use such measures as an excuse to isolate society further and increase control."

Mammadli acknowledged the necessity of security measures before a major event, especially with many foreign representatives expected. However, he argued that Azerbaijan does not face significant criminal threats or other dangers that would justify extensive restrictions.

The upcoming COP29 conference has thus sparked a debate about the balance between necessary security measures and the potential overreach of government-imposed restrictions.

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