Azercell's network expansion and modernization prompted a 40% surge in data usage

"Azercell Telecom" LLC continues to enhance its network, deploying cutting-edge technologies

Pursuing its strategic goal of "Easing connectivity, empowering lives!" Azercell continues its large-scale network expansion and modernization project, which started in August this year.

Thus, the leading mobile operator launched the first 5G network in Azerbaijan on trial mode covering the entire area of Fountain Square. At the same time, in just five months, Azercell installed more than one hundred new 4G base stations and upgraded more than 1050 base stations. Along with Baku and Absheron, the new base stations covered Goychay, Astara, Agdash, Gusar, Yardimli, Kurdamir, Ismayilli, Sheki, Shabran and Gabala.

In 2022, the leading mobile operator increased its 4G coverage by 6%. As a result of these measures, the company saw a 40% increase in internet traffic.

Azercell continued the expansion of its network in the liberated territories deploying the latest technologies. Keeping environmental protection in the spotlight, Azercell has also started applying "green" technologies in Karabakh. The mobile operator has already launched solar-powered base stations in Gubadli and Jabrayil and plans to increase their number to thirty-five by the end of this year.

About one hundred Azercell’s base stations operate in Karabakh now, covering Shusha, Aghdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Zangilan, Gubadli and Kalbajar, the settlements of Istisu, Hadrut, Sugovushan, as well as villages of Khojavand and other districts with their network. The mobile operator deployed more than ten base stations in the Lachin district, providing mobile communication services in Zabukh, Sus and other villages.

Aiming to deliver the best customer experience to its subscribers, Azercell plans to install more than 300 new base stations and upgrade about 1600 existing base stations throughout Azerbaijan within the framework of its countrywide network expansion and modernization project. ®

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