"Feel Mistreated? Anxious? Afraid? Share your problem with us!"
This appeal is referred to all children by Azerbaijan Children Hotline Service
"Azerbaijan Children Hotline Service" operating with the support of "Azercell Telecom" LLC, has provided psychological and moral assistance to thousands of children from the first day of its establishment. The service has already gained sufficient trust of children in the country. It is supported by the fact that the number of children appealing to the service is increasing day by day. Over 8 years of its operation, "Azerbaijan Children Hotline" received over 32,000 calls from children and teenagers, as well as parents in various cities and districts regarding different issues. During the first half of this year, the hotline service received 1, 379 calls, including 269 calls on psychological issues, 259 calls on legal issues, 58 calls on healthcare issues, 65 calls on social issues, 650 calls on educational issues and 78 calls on other matters. 914 calls came from individuals above 18 while the remaining 465 were made by 18-aged and younger. The appeals came through landline numbers (570), mobile numbers (792) and SMS and Facebook page (17). It should be noted that "Azerbaijan Children Hotline Service" is reached by children from other countries, as well. Thus, 65 of incoming calls came from abroad.
Currently, the hotline operates from 09:00 till 18:00 and can be reached via landline and Azercell numbers (050-680-22-80 and 051-880-11-80). It also has an email address (yardim@usaqxetti.az) and website (www.childhelpline.az).
Notably, the service is aimed to support children who face domestic violence, tension in peer relations, need psychological and emotional support and to help them solve their issues and get used to the social medium. Mobile applications of "Children Hotline Service" for both IOS and Android operating systems were launched in 2017 with Azercell"s initiative and support. Goygol office of the Service was set up on June 13th, 2018. The Center serves children residing not only Goygol but also the adjacent districts (Goranboy, Gandja, Shamkir, Gazax, Agstafa).
For more information, please contact news@mcs.az
The leader of the mobile communication industry, the largest taxpayer and the biggest investor of the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan Azercell Telecom LLC was founded in 1996. With 48% share of Azerbaijan"s mobile telecom market Azercell"s network covers 80% of the territory (excluding 20% of the occupied territories) and 99.8% of population of the country. Currently, 4.5 million subscribers choose Azercell services. Azercell has pioneered an important number of innovations in Azerbaijan, including GSM technology, advance payment system, mobile internet services, Metro coverage, 24/7 call centre service, 7 day/week Front Office service, M2M services, one-stop-shopping approach Azercell Express offices, mobile customer services, Online Customer Care and Social Media Customer Care services, mobile e-signature service "ASAN Imza" etc. Azercell deployed first 4G - LTE services in Azerbaijan in 2012. According to the results of mobile network quality and wireless coverage mapping surveys by international systems, Azercell"s network demonstrated the best results among the mobile operators of Azerbaijan. Azercell is the only company in Azerbaijan and CIS region which has been awarded Gold Certificate of International "Investors in People" Standard. ®
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