Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Baku/15.09.20/Turan: The Supreme Court of Azerbaijan overturned the decision regarding the founder of the infoplyus.tv website, Jalal Mammadov, sending the case for reconsideration at the Baku Court of Appeal.

Mammadov considers his criminal prosecution unreasonable and insists on acquittal.

Jalal was sentenced to 5 years 3 months in prison on charges of extortion through threats in August 2019, said his mother Narmina Mammadova.

According to her, the case was fabricated due to revelations on the website infoplyus.tv of facts about brothels.

“The person who filed a complaint against Jalal also slandered the head of Jam.az website Fikret Faramazoglu, who was also convicted and then pardoned by the president.

Ultimately, this man himself was condemned for running dens. He will not lag behind my son. Although the Baku Court of Appeal reduced the term of imprisonment to 2 years 3 months, a cassation appeal was filed against this.

After that, the Supreme Court sent the case for reconsideration by the appeal court,” Narmina Mammdova  said. She is convinced that her son has been persecuted by former presidential aide Ali Hasanov.

“The former aide to the President, Ali Hasanov, is behind the arrest of my son. Jalal criticized the authorities' media policies.

Ali Hasanov was fired and the consequences of his activities should be eliminated,”  Mammadova said. She noted that her son turned to the President of Azerbaijan and asked the head of state to restore justice.

Re-consideration of the case in the Baku Court of Appeal is expected in the near future. –06D-


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