Deceived officers chasing shadow of  AIMROC

About thirty employees operating gold mining company AIMROC (Operating Company on the international reserves of deposits of Azerbaijan), arrived in the morning on January 25 in the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, demanding the payment of wages and told about  violations of their rights. However, they were advised to appeal to court. Unhappy staff of  AIMROC went to the Milli Mejlis  and was given the same advise. Then they went to the headquarters of AIMROC on the Neftchiler  Avenue, but the guards did not let them in, saying that the company had already left the building.

The Ministry of Environment, where in the afternoon came the protesters, were told explained that AIMROC put up for sale their shares in early summer 2014 and virtually ceased to exist. Employees of the company disappeared pester state institutions is not the first month. In late December, they visited the Presidential Administration, which forwarded them to the Attorney General, and the latter advised to contact the Labour Inspectorate and the court.

The essence of the problem is that since May 2014 AIMROC suspended all work on a gold mine, sending about 300 employees on unpaid leave. In June, the staff was informed that the work is not yet a while, and did not pay them  debts on wages.

AIMROC LTD. is an operating company established  by company "Londex Resources SA" (100% owned by the founder) and was registered on September 3, 2007 in the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan (№ 1107- N17 -1925.)

Londex Resource. S.A. registered in Panama (the state register, Microjacket 511,442, document 882804) and has a representative office in Azerbaijan (registration number 1106-N9-1711).

Londex Resources S.A. It represents four companies - contractors (Londex Resources SA, Will and Meyris SA, Fargate Mining Corporation, Qlobeks International LLP., and a Japanese company, serves as the main controller "Mitsui Mineral Development Engineering Co. Ltd" "MİNDEKO").

 On December 30, 2006 Londex Resources entered into an agreement (HPBS) with the Ministry of Environment on 30 years of production sharing. The Agreement entered into force on June 8, 2007 according to the presidential decree of June 05, 2007 for the number 358-III-Q.

The agreement is the development of three fields:

1. Chovdar (Dashkasan). Exploration work began in 2007,

In 2012, commissioned plant for processing ore. Gold production went on until 2014.

2.The filed Kohnemeden (Filizchay) in Balakan (base metals and copper pyrite). Conducted exploration.

3. The field Heydar (Nakhchivan).

In accordance with Articles 5.4, 6 and 7 of the Constitution AIMROC LTD.

 The head organization (Londex Resources SA) is fully responsible for the obligations of the branch (the Company). However, Londex Resources S.A. It has not been held accountable for non-compliance: work stoppage, not officially dismissed workers and payment of wages.

It is noteworthy that after the disappearance of the companies from Azerbaijan, in February 2015, was created by presidential decree a state of AOP AZGOLD with 100% share of the state to whom the rights for gold mining. It is not known whether AOP AZGOLD successor Londex Resources.

In 2012, the investigation activities in Azerbaijan engaged AIMROC journalist Khadija Ismailova, convicted last year for 7,5 years in prison after a series of revelations. It concluded that among the co-owners have AIMROC daughter of the president of Azerbaijan. It is possible that this was the reason for termination of the AIMROC.

The economic reasons for closing Chovdar  are hardly justified. Chovdar is a profitable project, and according to the Ministry of Environment, reserves are 44 tons of gold and 164 tons of silver for a total of $2.5 billion.  -0-

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